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Forgiving and being Forgiven
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Testimony Of A Believer

Forgiving and being Forgiven

Have you ever tried to ask some one you have hurt for forgiveness? Has some one who has hurt or wronged you asked you to forgive them? Forgiving and being forgiven are two things that as Christians we should be experts at. But the truth is we need a lot of help when it comes to forgiving. We do not want to let go of the hurt we feel when we have been wronged. We do not want to forget the things that have caused us pain either physical or mental. This is human nature, you and I both have heard and said "I Forgive you, but I will not forget". Doing or saying this is far from Godly or Christ like in fact it makes us appear unworthy in the Eyes of God. After all he forgave you, and he threw what you did into the sea of forgetfulness, that is what the Bible says and it is Gods word and God can not lie. If this is true then why keep holding on to things in the past are we better than God? We need to live our lives as Christ like as possible, He even ask forgiveness for those that crucified him. I was put into a position a few years where I had to face forgiving someone I love very much, but God spoke to me and I realized that if God could forgive me then I had no choice but to forgive them; there is no one that I can not forgive if I expect to enter into Heaven.
Being forgiven by God allows us to draw on his strength in times when we need to be forgiving. When we realize that it is really something we have to do, then it becomes easy, and believe it or not we can forget. Satan is the one who will tell you that you can not forgive someone, Satan is the one who tells us not to forget, and Satan is the one who will remind. But if we lean on God, then we can over come Satan.
We can not truly be forgiven if we can not forgive. Maybe you have been refusing to forgive some one or may you have been scared to ask someone for forgiveness, if so maybe you need to look at your relationship with God. Mathew 6:14-15
14 For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you:
15 But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.

It does not get any plainer than this scripture; do not let Satan lure you into Hell by not forgiving others as God forgives you.

Testimony of a Believer/ by Roger Jennings

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