The 84 Debt and Deficit Revolt ( and the attedant development of a World Meta Culture)

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The ’84 Debt and Deficit Revolt – (and the attendant development of a World Meta Culture.)


Cover Leaf


Dec. 10, 2011


The public in several western countries in the 1980s and then again in the 2000s became discontent with the status quo, which was characterized by a backsliding of their nation’s affairs due to high taxes, government deficits and the lack of good jobs at once. A wave of protests resulted, which was conducted in diplomatic language such that only about 10% of adults caught on. The mobilization of public concern produced new social phenomena. These were McLuhanesque effects which had genius and evolved the culture. There was a widespread anthropological study of the modern nanny state, a new technique of non-violent social protest involving invading “stars” privacy, a deeper understanding of human psychology was developed and some self-reflection which produced more polished personality in the participating adults. The deeper understanding of human psychology evolved into an ability to pattern peoples thoughts, to “mind meld”. The topic of immigration emerged and became prominent. Immigration has always been considered a backwater of economics but it was determined this is odd as it’s actually a national economic strategy and needs to be discussed.  These eras were as revolutionary as the 1960s to the participating public. This story is one of new realities and reads like science fiction.  


The revolt did not affect all society and eventually was disbanded but it remains latent and still has potential.


All of this has gone on but has been unreported as there are strong taboos on talking about it, talking aloud about sensitive, moral and legal issues. The author, Bruce, breaks a 27 year silence about the events in his lifetime to bring you this report.


The author has had fully five different special and extreme roles in society all related to this revolt. He has had a personal voyage that closely followed this muted social ferment in the Western countries for over 20 years. This is his historic tale. The saga is presented in a logical, systematic and detailed manner as befits the author’s training as a computer analyst. The International Quite Revolt originated in the cities of Canada and this is the Canadian side of the story.


The Quiet Revolt is the tale of what happens when the population becomes activist. The process is a potential Rx for political, economic and morale malaise. This is the story of the capable allies you may have in the effort to create a better, more sophisticated you and a better world.




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