JC's Official Website:
Here are some of my favorite NSYNC and JC links: NSYNC
The Official Nsync Website
Jive Records
Anita's 'N Sync Site
I really love this site:
Marie's little JC spot
JC theHottie World
Liz's Joshua Scott Chasez Site
Joshua Scott Chasez A Teen Dream
Digital JC Chasez
Humor Now this stuff is kinda mean, but I thought it was funny. So, if you don't mind people making fun of NSYNC
then these are the sites for you.
Nsync Blows
Ecrush has a really cool NSYNC soulmate quiz on their site, and guess whose soulmate I was...JC! You should also vote for
JC on their Celebrity Fantasy Crush List. Anywayz here's the link.
Here's a site with some of the best NSYNC fanfic I've ever read! It's really good! (Thanx Amy)