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barnrobo.jpg (14234 bytes)Name: RB-Novice

History: Just as the name begets, RB-Novice was one of Buel F. Rawlings first creations.  Even before the 1824 Techno Outfit was formed, he was experimenting in the primitive field of robotics.  The robot was rather small, being only a little taller than an average man was, and lacked much of what people consider to be robot essentials.  Made basically on a whim, RB-Novice was created without any written plans, standardized parts, or even the characteristic sound, quality construction we've come to expect
from Buel's forge products.  It was simple to disassemble, which proved to be invaluable because it often needed to be repaired.  Its wooden shell and pendulum system of gears and cranks were prone to decay easily over time, which also required considerable "patching                                                                                             up".
Year Made: 1823

Weight: 202 lbs

Height: 5 ft 10 in

Power Plant: 1 coal-powered steam engine (unknown hp)

Armaments: None

Special Notes: Even though the RB-Novice was laughably shoddy, Buel and the
rest of 1824 Techno grew quite attached to the robot as it toured with
them.  The robot created hours of laughs by running into walls, dropping
equipment, losing pieces of itself, and blurting out unintelligible,
profane sentences.

Present day: While playing on a cold night in a barn, 1824 Techno witnessed
the death of their old friend as he danced around.  Buel knew that after
the show he'd have to repair the jangling pile of bolts, but his worst
fears were realized when RB-Novice malfunctioned and overloaded its weak
steam engine.  As it "went off" to an intense series of Casiochord beats,
it exploded, spraying the audience with flaming hot pieces of metal.  Buel
reluctantly conceded that repair of the robot was impossible, and the band
joined him in mourning.