
Heh. this page is the adoption page(duh) where you can adopt
us or our X-men forms! Fun-fun! But, you can't just
right click and save. You actually have to send in a form. Sorry!
Just want to keep track of who's adopting who! But you can take a look at the


Your name:
Your email:
Your url:
Who you want(no maximum):

Now, is that so hard? Okay, on to the adoptees!

Butterfly Plague Gang(shunken to fit page)

daniel deanna

draco fenomka

gumby gwen

kei luana

marejia naze

raven reluna

shiney happy hippie sparkles the pixie queen

steve zion


PG 2 of Adoptees

Une Approved
Lady Une? I guess that's cool. her pic is definately cool!