Butterfly Plague Ver 1.0

Butterfly Plague Gang

Kon'nichiwa! Welcome to Butterfly Plague! This site contains artwork and writing from the authors of this page. All creations belong to it's respective owners. Don't forget to sign the guestbook!

UPDATES:10/12/02 - no, the pics aren't up yet... i know... i'm such a slacker... anyway, the links page debacle (hee.. debacle...) has been fixed... yes, i was having trouble with the links... the font was all.. then it was... yeah...
9/29.02 - i'm in the process... i moved the scrapbook to a different url since we don't necessarily have much space left at this location. it's still linked here, though. and i'm also gonna scan those pics i got from draco, once i get the motivation to do it... i mean, once i get that scanner back... *cough* that's it... yeah... *cough* so, page 16 actually doesn't work, yet...
8/17/02 - changed the link to reluna's site under links. check out her new site... there's not much there... but the layout's pretty cool. much better than this one... oops, did i say that out loud? oh well, it's not like i'm dissing anybody but myself.... heh... ^_^ oh, changed the ad at the top to pop-up. better? worse? tell me! preferably email, please...

Profiles of the authors of this page
Artwork by the authors
Wrtings by the authors (poetry, fanfics)
Torture the reigning pop princess
Hee-hee! You can adopt us!!
Realm of the Gods
Whatta' ya' know! We take disses, too!
Just what it means
Links to other sites
Oh, the ways you can contact us
Allowed personel only(employees only)

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Heero approved
Wow! It's Heero! Mrrrow!
Disclaimer: Like i've said before, all creations belong to their respective owners and
shouldn't be taken without permission.
June 21,2002