The X-Files Australian Conne-X-ion
David Duchovny in Australia:

Duchovny back on alien territory
ddActor David Duchovny is in Sydney to promote his latest movie, Evolution. Picture: Pip Blackwood


AS a promotion, it left something to be desired.

In Sydney yesterday, X Files superstar and movie star in the making David Duchovny admitted his latest foray on to the big screen, Evolution, was not the sort of movie he would generally see.

"I'm going to get shot," he added nervously before explaining himself.

"No, it's not the kind of movie that I rush out and see, but it's the kind of movie that I wanted to act in.

"My challenges as an actor are different from my challenges as a viewer, but that's not to say I don't think it's a good film because I think it's successful for what it is.

"If you don't ask it to be a life-changing experience, it's the kind of movie where, from start to finish, there's just a feel-good quality," Duchovny said of the film, billed as Ghostbusters meets Men in Black.

"If I did happen to find myself in a theatre, which I did, I enjoyed myself thoroughly, which is always surprising to me because I don't enjoy myself thoroughly that often in movies."

Duchovny famously found his X Files character, Fox Mulder, creatively stifling after eight seasons of the hit sci-fi series. He wrote and directed several episodes to help keep his interest in it alive.

He joked about the fact his second movie role since the runaway success of The X Files was in another sci-fi story, albeit a spoof.

He said he had already agreed to work with director Ivan Reitman (Ghostbusters) before realising he would be battling forces from outer space yet again.

"It was very distressing to me when the aliens came in on page 11."

Duchovny said writing and directing was something he intended to do, although he baulked at the idea of publishing any of the poetry he has admitted to writing.

"The poetry is a dicey subject with me because you titter when you even say `poetry'. I could publish a book of poetry but it would end up being Fox Mulder in Love or something so I would rather wait until the poems are publishable in their own right. You've seen those books by celebrities. Deep Thoughts by David Duchovny. I can't imagine a more mortifying experience," he said.

Duchovny attended the Australian premiere of Evolution in Sydney last night. The film opens on July 12.

Article from Herald-Sun ENTERTAINMENT section, 15 June 2001.

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