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Goddess Rituals and Prayers

Or "Do I Need to Sacrifice Chickens and Cows to Isis?"


Prayer to the Black Madonna
(To Bring Healing)

Taken from "Morgan Le Fey's Book of Spells and Wiccan Rites" by Jennifer Reif, copyright 2001 Citadel Press

PURPOSE OF THIS RITUAL: In this candle-lighting prayer, the Black Madonna will come to your aid. She understands the darkness and pain of your sorrow, and so can heal you with Her loving understanding. Honor Her, pray to Her, and receive Her blessings.

ITEMS NEEDED: Five purple or lavender candles in holders; frankincense, myrrh, censer coal, and a censer; a vase of flowers of mixed colors; a bowl of white flower petals; and an image of the Black Madonna, either a statue or a votive picture, or any image of Mary surrounded by black stones and black beads. (Note: I suggest using an image of Our Lady of Guadelupe or Our Lady of Czestochowa. These can be found in any religious supplies store.)

THE ALTAR: Arrange the five candles in a semicircle, with the open side toward you. Place the Madonne image in the center, facing you. Place the rest of the items on your altar.

TIMING AND INSTRUCTIONS: The duration of this rite is one night and can be done any time during the lunar cycle. Light the censer coal five minutes ahead of the rite, and make sure that there is proper ventilation in the room.

BODY OF RITUAL: Be seated at your altar. Place the frankincense and myrrh on the censer coal. Light the first candle on the left side of the semicircle and say:

"O Holy Mother, serene in Your dark beauty,
You who have known both sadness and tears,
Yet have known the joy beyond all tears,
Hear me now."

Light the second candle and say:

"Santa Madre, Blessed Mother,
I know that Your power is great,
That wondrous miracles have occured in Your name,
And so I ask You now for Your Divine intervention.
O come to my aid!"

Light the third candle and say:

"Mother of gentle compassion,
You know my dreams and my sorrows,
And so I place the difficulties I have suffered
Into Your blessed hands."

Light the fourth candle and say:

"Mother of mercy,
Of beauty and grace,
Bless and heal my soul and my life."

Light the fifth candle and say:

"I pray to You in joy, loving Mother,
For I know
That You will transform me and heal me,
With Your dark and mysterious powers.
Hail, Mary!
So be it."

Scatter white flower petals around Her image. Pray to Her as You will. Open to receive Her blessings. Let the candles burn down completely.

Invocation of the Maiden Diana
(For New Beginnings)

Taken from "Morgan Le Fey's Book of Spells and Wiccan Rites" by Jennifer Reif

PURPOSE OF THIS RITUAL: In this rite you will invoke the Roman Goddess Diana, Moon Maiden and Roman version of Artemis. She will bring you the blessings of a successful new beginning and remain with you until your goal is realized.

ITEMS NEEDED: 3 white candles and holders; a vase of flowers in white or pastel candles; sweet pea, myrrh, or lily oil.

THE ALTAR: Arrange the above on the altar.


BODY OF RITUAL: Anoint yourself with scented oil. Light one candle and say:

"Hail, Lady of the Silver Crescent,
Diana, Who is Maiden, and yet Mother of All,
Come, and attend this rite."

Light the second candle and say:

"I praise the Lady of Blossoming Fields;
How perfectly the fragrant lily reflects Your beauty.
You rise at every dawn of new beginnings.
You are the magic of all things
As they emerge from creation.
Without You, nothing is born or comes to fruition.
And so I praise You and honor You.
Lady, come and hear my prayer."

Tell Diana your endeavor and ask Her assistance. Then light the third candle, saying:

"May Diana bless my endeavor.
And lend Her powers unto my spirit.
May She bring me success and good fortune
And stay with me until all comes to fruition.
Ladt, I honor You and give You my fervent thanks,
Saying, Hail, Diana!
And Blessed Be!"

Allow the candles to burn down completely.

Dark Mother Ritual

Taken from "Embracing the Moon: A Witch's Guide to Ritual Spellcraft and Shodow Work" by Yasmine Galenorn, Copyright 1998 Llewellyn Publications.

PURPOSE OF THIS RITUAL: Yasmine Galenorn wrote this ritual with rape and incest survivors in mind. It is considered a ritual to facilitate the law of karma. I've personally found this ritual to be extremely helpful, though I've altered it a tiny bit. Please be careful, for you are invoking various Dark Goddesses and They are EXTREMELY powerful. Please do not use this ritual for the sake of petty revenge if someone has merely made an off-collar remark towards you. The consequences will be extremely serious if this is the case!

ITEMS NEEDED: 5 black candles; some kind of incense (I prefer patchouli); Dark Huntress oil (mix together 5 drops each of the following oils: jasmine, lemon, sandalwood, rosewood, dark musk, ylang-ylang, and honeysuckle in 1/4 fluid ounces of olive oil. Add a pinch of wormwood and a garnet to the bottle of oil.)

BODY OF RITUAL: Purify your sacred space with sage incense or blessed salt water. Cast your Circle. Anoint each of the candles with the oil and place them on the altar to form a pentagram (one point facing up, please.) Now, anoint yourself with the oil. Light the top-most candle, saying:

"I call on You, Dark Mothers of the Night!
Hear me and come to my side. You Who are Hecate, Crone of magick."

Light the next candle, moving counter-clockwise, and say:

"You Who are Persephone, raped and despoiled."

Light the third candle and say:

"You Who are Kali-Ma, the Mother of Destruction... hear me."

Light the fourth candle and say:

"Mielikki, Dark Huntress Who prowls through the treetops with poisoned arrows, come to me."

Light the fifth candle and say:

"Cerridwen, Sow-Mother and Reaper of the Dead, I call to Thee. There has been an act of violation that cries out for Your attention. (NAME OF VICTIM) has been (raped, abused, etc.) by one who escapes justice. Dark Mothers, I ask that You turn Your eyes to this abuser and bring him/her to justice. Let him/her not hide from Your eyes, let him/her be exposed for all to see. Let the perpetrator of this atrocity be known to all. Then I ask, Dark Mothers, that You take him/her into Your realm and show no mercy, as no mercy was shown to the victim. Persephone, You have undergone this pain. I ask that You sweep (NAME OF VICTIM) into Your arms and help her/him live through it, give them the strength to go on and the inner will to overcome the pain and memories. Dark Mothers, should You find this case worthy, I ask that You act according to Your own wills. So Mote It Be!"

Let the candles burn down.

PERSONAL NOTE: To reinforce this spell, I suggest that the person who was raped, abused, etc. seek some kind of counceling. On the LINKS section of this site is the homepage for the Rape Abuse Incest National Network and for a local rape crisis center. They've excellent resources. Please, if you are seeking therapy and the councelor blames you, places ANY responsibility on you for what happened, or degrades you in any way (THIS DOES HAPPEN! I'VE GONE THROUGH THIS PERSONALLY!), please, please refrain from seeking therapy from that particular person. They are only making matters worse for you. In this case, I suggest that you contact your local Rape Crisis Center, battered women's shelter, or local police. Also, please go to the emergency room as soon as possible. They will examine you and, if the situation calls for it, collect evidence with a rape kit. Bring someone you trust with you and an extra set of clothing. Unfortunately, some ER doctors on call are very cold when it comes to these types of examinations. You may request that a nurse practitioner and/or rape crisis councelor to be with you during the exam. REMEMBER: The Goddess DOES NOT tolerate these gruesome forms of violence. She WILL act as the Divine Judge, but She will give you the strength you need to get through this traumatic time.

Chant for the Gentle Aspect of the Great Mother Goddess

Taken from "Celtic Magic" by D.J. Conway, Copyright 1995 Llewellyn Publications

"Mother of the comforting breast,
The protecting arm,
I am Your child.
Keep me from harm.
Inspire me in dreams.
Give me the key
That will open the gate.
Mother, help me."

Chant for the Darker Aspect of the Great Mother Goddess

Taken from "Celtic Magic" by D.J. Conway. See above for additional information about this book.

"Great Mother, Guardian of Your children,
I stand in great need of Your protection.
There are those who are against me
By thought, word, and deed.
Let their efforts fail.
Let their evil return to the lower darkness.
Great Mother, I ask for
And accept Your protection."

Chant for the Different Names of the Goddess

"Isis, Astarte, Diana, Hecate, Demeter, Kali, Inanna."

A Prayer to Gain Wisdom

Taken from "The Complete Art of Witchcraft: Penetrating the Secrets of White Magic" by Sybil Leek, Copyright 1971 Signet

"O boundless Goddess of infinite light:
Unite the hearts and souls of Thy followers with Thy spirit.
Grant them the strength to fulfill Thy will according to the sacred law of life.
Make them as the petals of one flower
Within the garden of Thy universal knowledge.
Assist them, O Triple Goddess,
In the appointed endeavor
And turn not away from those who seek wisdom.
Thou seest when none else can.
Thou art compassionate, just, merciful,
And the Source of all wisdom.
In ages past
Thou didst bring man from darkness into the light.
Thou shalt not allow Thy followers
To remain in ignorance.
Blessed Be, O Supreme Goddess, in all Thy many names
And manifold attributes!"

Invocation to Obtain Help

Taken from "The Complete Art of Witchcraft: Penetrating the Secrets of White Magic" by Sybil Leek.

"Thy love and compassion hath strengthened me,
O thrice-crowned Goddess of the Cosmos All.
Thy guidance hath been a granite fortress
Set upon the mountain peak.
Thy sacred law of life
Hath been a consecrated wall of jeweled flames
Protecting me.
Yet in this moment and in this place
I am in need of Thy healing and comforting presence,
O beloved Goddess of all good beginnings.
Be with me in the midst of my present difficulties.
With Thy hand of power and might,
O mericiful and compassionate Goddess of the Best and Good,
Direct me that I may remove, with Thy help,
The sorrows and afflictions which now surround me.
Grant me the protection of the sanctified sword
Of Thy truth,
O beloved Goddess of the original primeval wisdom.
In Thee I am made powerful and confident.
Thou art my aid and help,
O Triple Goddess.
Blessed Be, O Supreme Goddess,
In all Thy many names
And manifold attributes!"

A Grateful Incantation

(See above for information on this book.)

"Submission unto Thy revealed word,
O Transcendant Goddess of Cosmic Might,
Hath been my liberation from the adamant fetters
If erroneous past beliefs.
Thy Sacred Law of Life,
O Loving Goddess of mercy and compassion,
Is a primeval oasis of secure knowledge
In the midst of ignorance.
So long as I remain firm in my spiritual endeavor,
My path leads safely upward
Toward Thy celestial realm.
Fill my thought, mind, and soul
With Thy everlasting beauty,
O Gracious Goddess of spiritual transcendance,
So that I may seek in strength
The portals of Thy divine concourse.
In the dark and savage jungle of ignorant depravity.
Thou didst touch my soul
With Thy enlightening knowldege,
And Thou didst make me Thine!
Blessed Be, O Supreme Goddess,
In all Thy many names
And manifold attributes!"

Morning Prayer

(See above for information on this book.)

"The day begins by Thy grace,
O Queen and Mother of both Gods and men,
And I am both strengthened and comforted
By my knowledge of Thee.
Thy sacred law of life is the guiding star
Of my existence.
Make me holy, sanctified,
And thrice blessed all which I do, think, and attempt
During this coming day.
Blessed Be, O Supreme Goddess,
In all Thy many names
And manifold attributes!"

Midnight Prayer

(See above for information about this book.)

"Thy rulership,
O Triple Goddess,
Is both by day and by night.
Extend Thou Thy protection
And Thy guidance to this moment.
Make my actions firm, strong,
And just in Thy sight.
Blessed Be, O Supreme Goddess,
In all Thy many names
And manifold attributes!"

Prayer Before Meals


"All life exists by Thy bounty,
Everlasting Goddess of all things!
Bless then Thy servants here
Who acknowledge Thee
Both openly and in secret.
Sanctify this food to our use.
Make firm our allegiance to Thee,
O Triple Goddess,
And make us bearers to the world
Of Thy sacred law of life.
Blessed Be, O Supreme Goddess,
In all Thy many names
And manifold attributes!"

Hecate and Cerridwen Chant

Traditionally used in Samhain (Halloween) Rites.

"Hecate, Cerridwen
Dark Mother, take us in.
Hecate, Cerridwen
Let us be reborn."

We All Come From the Goddess


"We all come from the Goddess
And to Her we shall return,
Like a drop of rain,
Fall into the ocean."

Ancient Mother Chant

Taditional, but I don't know who originally wrote it.

"Ancient Mother, I Hear You Calling.
Ancient Mother, I Hear Your Song.
Ancient Mother, I Hear Your Laughter.
Ancient Mother, I Taste Your Tears."

Chant to Alleviate Fear

Taken from "Everyday Magic: Spells and Rituals for Modern Living" by Dorothy Morrison, Copyright 1998 Llewellyn Publications

"Kali, Destroyer, Fearsome One,
Help me now to overcome
This fear that has a hold on me
And drown it in Your Bloody Sea.
Consume this demon known as Fright.
Protect me with Your awesome might.
Lend Your strength to help me face
Whatever comes into my space.
Aid me now, O Ancient One.
As I will, so be it done!"

Crone Chant for Good Judgement

Taken from "Everyday Magic: Spells and Rituals for Modern Living" by Dorothy Morrison, Copyright 1998 Llewellyn Publications

"Ancient Hag, Wise Grandmother,
You of Wisdom like no other,
Help me weigh choices with precision,
To make a good and fair decision.
Show me what I need to see,
Shed some light on what should be.
And should I turn a deafened ear
Open it so I can hear.
Help me feel what I should know.
Show me which way to go.
Guide me in what I must do.
This, Old Crone, I ask of You."

A Morning Blessing

See above entry.

Light a white candle and say:

"I call upon You, Sisters Three,
You Who sit beneath Life's Tree,
Bless and watch over me this day.
These things of You, I ask and pray.
Mighty Klothos, You Who spin
The thread and yarn of life on whim,
Grant my thread be soft, yet strong
And the esssence of my own life's song.
Mighty Lachesis, You Who weave,
And measure the cloth of Life with ease,
Weave my life beautifully
With color and texture for all to see.
Mighty Atropos, You Who slice
Life's fabric and thread with a snip precise,
Grant me now another day
To return to You-this I pray.
Mighty Ones, O Sisters Three,
You Who sit beneath Life's Tree,
For each day I awaken to
Accept the thanks I offer You!

A Bedtime Blessing

See above information on Dorothy Morrison's book.

"As I lay snuggled in my bed,
Pillow tucked beneath my head,
Maiden, bring me joyful dreams.
Mother, bring me peace serene.
Wisest Crone, watch over me
Until the light of dawn, I see.
And let me wake up safe and sound
Each day that to this Earth, I'm bound."

Protective Evocation to Hecate

You know the drill. ;o)

"Wise Hecate, bless me please
And all that does belong to me.
Bless my work and my endeavors
Protect and keep me safe forever
From every hex and negative thought,
From every place where harm is wraught,
From every evil that's allowed,
Protect me, Wise One; guard me now!
Help me to walk in harmony
With every stone and bird and tree,
With every creature on this Earth.
Let me live in joy and mirth
That I may always be their friend
And gain their protection 'til this life ends.
O Wise Hecate, watch over me
Until my soul, at last, is freed."

Solitary Full Moon Ritual

Taken from "Lady of the Night: A Handbook of Moon Magick and Rituals" by Edain McCoy, Copyright 1996 Llewellyn Publications.

ITEMS NEEDED: tools mentioned in the HOW TO CAST A SACRED CIRCLE section of this website, as well as the following: an image or symbol of the Moon Goddess; two white OR two silver candles in candleholders (set them on both sides of the Goddess image/symbol), any Moon-oriented incense (for example: sandalwood, camphor, wintergreen, myrrh, etc.)

BODY OF RITUAL: Cast your Sacred Circle. Stand or sit before your altar and state:

"Blessed Be, Lady Moon, Mother of all life. I invite Your presence in my Circle tonight. Join with me in the joyous enchantment of this Esbat night. For behold, I stand here in the light of Your love to worship in the ancient way and to spin Moon magick. Like my ancestors before me, I seek to invoke Your primal creative power, that my rite shall be successful. Hear me now, my Mother, as I bless Your bounty and Your goodness. Bless me in turn with Your eternal tenderness. Wrap me in Your warm, silvery light. Hold me forever in the protective embrace of Your boundless arms. So Mote It Be!"

Spend a few moments attuning yourself to the energy of the Moon and to the energy of the Mother Goddess. Light the silver candle on the left side of the Goddess image/symbol. Now, welcome the God (don't worry. He's not mean or creepy) into your Circle by saying:

"Lord of the Night, join me now in this sacred space. Your Lady rides high in the starry sky and will soon be in and of me. Come now to join me in the ancient holy rites. So Mote It Be!"

Spend a few moments attuning yourself to the male aspect of Divinity. Light the other silver candle. Allow the light of the Moon to shine onto your face. Perform any spells or meditations that are in order. Partake of some Lunar-oriented food and beverages, blessing them prior to consumption and saving a bit of it as an offering. When you are finished, close the Circle.

A Solitary Full Moon Ceremony of Cakes and Ale

(See above entry for information on this book.)

ITEMS NEEDED: some kind of cake or cookies; a chalice or glass of wine, ale, mead, or juice.

BODY OF RITUAL: After performing the main body of your Full Moon ritual, center the cake and beverage on your altar. Stand before them with your arms held upward and address the Goddess:

"Blessed Mother of us all, I stand before this altar on this, the night of Your Full Moon, when Your energies drench Your Earth with the light of Your pale, loving eyes to offer You my love, me allegiance, and my blessings, and to reaffirm that I am Your child. Tonight I will consecrate and consume the cake of Your Earth and the (NAME YOUR BEVERAGE) of Your heavens, that Your love and will might be carried byme into the mundane world."

Take a piece of the cake and hold it in your receptive hand (the hand that you do not write with). Allow the moonlight to wash over the cake. Say:

"Mother (or insert the name of a Full Moon Goddess or Mother Goddess wuth whim you feel an affinity), I thank You for the bounty of Your earthly body which sustains me with food. From Your womb flows all life and all manner of life's sustenance. Allow me to use this symbol to fill myself with Your boundless presence. Be in and of me always."

Eat a bite of the cake, then break off another small piece and hold it up in your power hand (the one you write with). You are going to give this portion as a libation that you can place outside later. Say:

"Though I am a solitary Witch, I know that I am never really alone in my honor of You. This bit of life-giving grain from Your womb I give back to You now in humble thanksgiving for Your many gifts of love. May You and Your creatures of the wild partake and enjoy."

Place the libation aside. Hold up the beverage in your receptive hand, allowing the moonlight to wash over it. Say:

"Mother, I thank You for the mysteries of Your watery realm which sustains my spirit and imagination, for this blood of Your womb which brought forth all life. By Your blood all living things are blessed and made sacred. Allow me to use this symbol to fill myself with Your boundless presence. Be in and of me always."

Take a sip of the beverage and transfer the recepticle in your power hand, saying:

"Like a single drop of water blends in the great sea, I too am not alone. Like the single droplet, I am part of the ebb and flow of life, death, and life renewed. I am myself and also a part of the whole. These precious drops of life-giving water from Your great womb I give back to You now in humble thansgiving. May this symbol of Your bloood give life renewed to all who partake with pleasure."

Transfer the liquid back into your receptive hand and take up a bit of the cake in your power hand and say:

"Behold, the Triple Goddess is one! Maiden, Mother, and Crone. Earth and heaven are one! The womb and blood. I am one with Them. I am the child of the Goddess. In me may She always be manifest."

Dip a piece of the cake into the liquid. Eat a portion of the unified part. Replace the food and say:

"Behold, I am Goddess. Behold, I am the Creative Principle. Behold, I am Divinity. I am alone, yet I am one with all that is. I am a drop in the ocean and I am the tide which rises, falls, and rises again. The Triple Goddess is one. She lives in me. I live in Her. Forever and always. Merry Meet, Merry Part, and Merry Meet Again. So Mote It Be!"

You may now eat the rest of the food (do NOT eat the libations!)

The Charge of the Goddess

Written by Doreen Valiente and adapted by Starhawk.

Listen to the words of the Great Mother, Who of old was called Artemis, Astarte, Dione, Melusine, Aphrodite, Cerridwen, Diana, Arionrhod, Brigid, and by many other names:

Whenever you have need of anything, once a month, and better it be when the Moon is full, you shall assemble in some secret place and adore the spirit of Me Who is Queen of all the Wise.

You shall be free from slavery, and as a sign that you be free, you shall be naked in your rites.

Sing, feast, dance, make music, and love, all in My Presence, for Mine is the ecstasy of the spirit and Mine also is joy on earth.

For My law is love is unto all beings. Mine is the secret that opens the door of youth, and Mine is the cup of wine of life that is the cauldron of Cerridwen, that is the holy Grail of Immortality.

I give the knowledge of the spirit eternal, and beyond death I give peace and freedom and reunion with those that have gone before.

Nor do I demand aught of sacrifice, for behold, I am the Mother of all things and My love is poured out upon the earth.

Hear the words of the Star Goddess, the dust of Whose feet are the hosts of Heaven, Whose body encircles the Universe:

I Who am the beauty of the green Earth and the white Moon among the stars and the mysteries of the waters,

I call upon your soul to arise and come unto Me.

For I am the soul of nature that gives life to the universe.

From Me all things proceed and unto Me they must return.

Let My worship be in the heart that rejoices, for behold, all acts of love and pleasure are My rituals.

Let there be beauty and strength, power and compassion, honor and humility, mirth and reverence within you.

And you who seek to know Me, know that the seeking and yearning will avail you not, unless you know the Mystery: for if that which you seek, you find not within yourself, you will never find it without.

For behold, I have been with you from the beginning, and I am That which is attained at the end of desire.