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What is Alzheimer's disease? What is the difference between Alzheimer's and dementia?
Coping with Alzheimer's: Alzheimer's and Logic   - Sometimes being logical is illogical when dealing with Alzheimer's, so what should you do?

In the Alzheimer's Skills Article Series, we will look at skills addressing communications and relationships.


In the Alzheimer's Journey Series, we will look at more practical tips.

Alzheimer’s Journey 1: Know Your Enemy  - The first in the series, "The Alzheimer's Journey". This series will discuss the technical aspects of Alzheimer's.


Alzheimer's Journey 2: Take the Team Approach  - 2nd in the Alzheimer's Journey series, this segment continues the discussion of not making this journey alone, and picking the right doctor to be on your team.



Alzheimer’s Journey 3: Doctor’s Visit: Questions, Answers, and Concerns  - 3rd segment in the Alzheimer's Journey series. Helpful hints about the doctor's visit: questions, expectations, and concerns are addressed.



Alzheimer’s Journey 4: Utilizing Community Resources - 4th segment in the Alzheimer's Journey series. This segment covers finding and utilizing community resources: Alzheimer's Association, support groups, non-medical in home care, adult day care, etc.

Alzheimer's Journey 5: Becoming the Caregiver - 5th segment in the Alzheimer's Journey series. Discusses the difficulties encountered as the parent becomes more child-like, the child is required to become more parent-like. When is it necessary to step in?

Alzheimer's Journey 6: As a Caregiver, Take Care of Yourself - 6th segment in the Alzheimer's Journey series. This segment deals with the importance of taking care of yourself so that you can be an effective caregiver. Discusses some of the feelings that a caregiver may feel.

Our sister organization, On the Wings of Angels, specializes in non-medical in home care for adults. Their services are available in the Texas counties of Denton, Collin, Wise, Dallas, Tarrant, and Cooke.
Alzheimer's Information Site