I gathered some 16 of my old military friends who agreed to sponsor a movement for Veterans to salute rather
than place their hands over their heart when honoring the flag, fallen comrades, and/or the country. I have some from
each of the four principal services. Three of them were former Vice Chiefs or Assistant Commandants of their services,
and several were former CINC's.
We refer to saluting when we do the pledge to the flag, when the National Colors pass or are presented, when
the National Anthem or honors are played, or when taps are played and firing squads or guns render honors. We got MOAA
magazine to ask veterans what they preferred, hand over the heart or saluting. When last I looked, some 583 veteran
respondents had voted 81% in favor of the salute. In addition, my email address was in the questionnaire and I've had
about 150 responses, with all but a dozen or so in favor of the salute. Obviously an overwhelming majority of the veterans
want to salute.
There are no regulations telling us veterans what we can and can't do in this matter. If we decide we
want to salute, who will dare to tell us "no"?
It is a matter of personal choice. We've earned the right to render a salute. Now the challenge
is to get the word out. I believe the unit and branch associations are the best way. The commanders of the American
Legion and VFW never answered my emails, presuming they even got them. If we can get this started it will take on a
life of its own. Those who object can continue the hand over the heart thing. Gradually the custom will change,
as well it should.
Just imagine thousands of fans saluting at NFL, MBA, and Major League Baseball games when the National Anthem
is played. It will telegraph a message to all others of how many have served this country in the Armed Forces---it will
be a positive and patriotic message.
You can help by putting the word out in your organizations, which are made up of patriots like you and me.
Thanks, my friend.
Vernon B.