A Little American Roach
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What the hell have I been up to!

The Persistence of Memory - Dalí

Well, I have been a busy cockroach.  The past few months have been a real blur, I've been seemingly to the ends of the earth and back a few times lol.  I think I would like to make this page one I update regularly with my esoteric activities hehe.  Mainly I've been suffering 2 college courses this summer, an awful English course, and a pretty good history internet class. 
The English course has been a grave insult to my intelligence.  The reading selections are atrocious, and the fact that I am forced to not only endure reading such garbage, but I must also write about the trash.  We are not talking about reading Shakespeare or anything like that folks, no no no; in fact, in order to be able to reach Shakespeare, this and another prerequisite course just like it must be consumed.  I would be thrilled to be so honoured to write about the greatest author of the English language, but oh God no, I have to write about the deranged and degrading "works" of disgusting people like Salmon Rushdie for God's sake.  I would probably gain more morals from a tabloid sitting on a rack near the checkout line at a store than this worthless "literature" book.  That damn book is not deserving of the paper it's printed on, and would serve a better purpose as a paperweight.  Only a very few selections in the book I have actually deigned to read,  and I have struggled to find suitable ones to write my essays on, but still, I am forced to acknowledge the others and "study" them for a test.  Outrageous.  I am so insulted.  I was so pissed off at both the horrid "literature book" and this moron teacher I did a half ass job on my research paper!  Hahahahahaha!  I wrote the whole damn thing the morning it was due!  Hahahaha!  The topics I had to choose from were also outrageous, but I chose one that was of lesser outrage.  The last little essay I had to write was about some crap by Salmon Rushdie, and it was absolutely bizzare.  I wrote the little paper in 1 hour, and did not bother to proofread.  I did not give a damn.  Regardless, I end up with a B+!!  lmao  I could care less if I got an A or an F on that paper.
The teacher is a total duff, and a complete moron.  I cannot wait to get out of his damn class!  He gives us these stupid common knowledge quizzes, i.e.- What colour is Superman's cape?  What the hell is that??  How am I learning about grammar and composition skills by answering that?  And on top of that, he is expecting to collect all our "quizzes" to add them up for our course grade!  (which he never told us at the time they were going to be graded, or that they were quizzes..... LOL)  Outrageous!  That damn class is 2 excruciating hours long, and he fills up the time with these stupid quizzes.  What an idiot. 
Only one of the essays I wrote I put my heart into.  At the side of the page there is a link you can download it from.  It is called "Night", and it was one of the choices for our essays.  The 2 page long passage I was to write about is one of the few things worthy of being bound in a book.  It was about the horrible Jewish death camps in Poland.  I put my heart into that one- it was the only choice for an essay I felt worthy of my skill.

My other course (I mentioned it above) is a History class that I am taking online.  It is almost over, I take the finals at the end of this week.  I've really enjoyed this class, the teacher is great.  I put some of the essays etc I had to write for the course in the green box there on the side, you can download them if you like.  As you must know by now, I am fanatical about Russia lol.  In as many essays as I could, I wrote about Ruskie-land, whether imperial Russia or Soviet Russia.  Russia Russia Russia! 
In case I have not mentioned on my site yet, (seems like I forgot), I am a communist, I believe in the utopian principles of Communism and Socialism; however, I do not believe in the Machiavellian principle stated in Marx's Communist Manifesto: "the end justifies the means".  I feel a Communist society cannot exist without the will of the people.  That's an obvious fact, because since the state owns all property and collects any profit from labour for redistrubution, there is no incentive for people to work except their own free will. 
However, I am currently a staunch Republican, because that is the only practical outlet for my political opinions.  I believe Republican Democracy should exist (if it should exist) in a pure unfettered state.  I am a purist- I want either a pure Repulic, such as that created by our Founding Fathers in America, or a pure Socialist Communist government.  America is today far from being a Republic, and actually falls down the middle of the political specturm between Socialism and Republican Democracy.  That is very very bad.  A government should be one or the other.  
The USSR faced some considerable troubles towards the end of the 20th century, partially because they began a move towards Capitalism i.e. Perestroika.  Another problem that contributed to their downfall was the fact that, well, it was a damn huge nation of many unique races!  I believe that, as in More's immortal work Utopia, Communist systems exist best in small, uniform populations.  Also they must have the free will of the people.  When people begin to grow weary of the Communist way, it is time to let them go, because you cannot force Communism.  So, it was sadly inevitable that the USSR dissolved, but one can learn a lot from their mistakes. 
Now, I do not support the "means" the Communist USSR government went about achieving their "end".  I read a lot of Solzhenitzyn, and I know the horror of the Soviet Gulags, for example.  I am simply stating my views on the ideal principles that Communism (and the USSR) extols.
My history course helped greatly to shape my political views and broadened my knowledge of Russia. (although some aspects of the textbook I found questionable, but of course that is to be expected of these liberally biased colleges.)  And don't think that the teacher brainwashed me into Communism, the guy is not a Communist at all lol.  I had these views before I started the course.  The guy hardly talked about Communism in his lessons anyway.
Russian Troika

I have also been up to a lot of other things.  I acted in a play performed by a drama club I was a member of, went horseback riding, had a piano recital, etc. etc. etc.  See the green side thingy for more details about each.
Also, I am planning a trip to the UK in March-April.  Right now the plan is to start in London, go next to Wales, then north a ways (to Northumberland of course), then to Scotland. (I am crossing my fingers that I'll also get to go to Ireland and the Isle of Man, but we'll see.)  Again, more details about that on the green thing.
Oh yes, one more thing... downloads-  there are a bunch of text file downloads, so help yourself.  These are term papers etc. I had to write for my college courses. All of them are "A" papers too lol.  Not bad for a 16 yr old taking college courses lol.  Oops damn did I say my age?  damn, forget I said that lmao.



These are all of the members of the drama club I was in a few months ago. I had an incredible time, it was so much fun!  I am the one at the very right end of the group with my hand on my hip lol.  I am holding in my other hand the "Norwegian blue", the bird used in the "Dead parrot sketch" (not sure if you can see it clearly or not).  This picture and the one below it were taken the night of our performance.   


This is me and the girl I co-starred with in the "Dead Parrot" sketch.  It was so much fun!  LOL I loved it!  I even got to fake a British accent in it! hehe 


This is me on my Aunt's beautiful horse Hottie.  I got to ride him a few weeks ago, and I can't wait to ride him again!  Don't I look like a female Napoleon in this picture? lol


Since I had not been on a horse in quite a while, it took a little bit of time for me to get my balance.  Hottie is a very sweet fellow, very easy to ride. 


Here I am riding Hottie with my 2 little cousins running in front.  We went riding in the cool of the morning, it was so pretty that day.


This is me (in the red dress yuck! I hate dresses lol) and my piano teacher at my piano recital.  I played Liszt's Hungarian Rhapsodie and Beethoven's Für Elise.  I loved the piano! ;o) lol


Ah beautiful Newcastle in lovely Northumberland.  Yes, I of course intend on staying several days in that area during my holiday in the UK.  Cool coat of arms, eh?


Since my mom is very interested in Wales, we will be spending a few days there too.  She is mainly wanting to do some research in my family's ancestral town of Shrewbury and Harnage, and also a few other hamlets in Wales.  My mother's ancestors were Welsh/English/German, and my father's were English/Scottish/Irish.  What does that make me I wonder lol.  British I guess lol 

The Firebird

And now, the downloads.
Here is the term paper I wrote for my history class.  It is about the 1917 Russian Revolution.  My teacher gave me a pretty decent grade on it.  :o)

download my term paper

I wrote 6 little essays all throughout the course. In this one I wrote about my favourite place on earth, England.

England's government way back when lol

Here's another nice little essay.  It is about the Enlightenment and some European monarchies.

Absolute monarchies

Blah, my essay/opinion on the French Revolution.  (And no, I don't have such a low opinion of the French because of the current events ahem ahem.  I simply am not impressed by their revolution.)

French Revolution/witch hunt/blood bath

Ok, here is an essay about European Nationalism in the 19th-20th centuries.  I don't think I wrote this one too well.  At any rate, have a look.


Ahhh, in this essay I wrote about my favourite fettish, the USSR.  The teacher gave me a 96 on this essay, so I guess it was not too bad lol.  Enjoy!!

USSR or CCCP for my Ruskie friends ;o)

This was my last essay I had to write.  I am not sure how good of a job I did, I guess it was ok.  It's about some totalitarian regimes in Europe around the time of WWII.

Totalitarian stuff

This is just a little blib I posted in the forum of my history class about 19th century Liberalism.


Last but not least, the only essay from my English class I feel fit to put on here.  All of the other topics I was forced to write about were degrading and insulting to my intelligence, so I do not deign to post them.  This however is the only exception.  As I mentioned in the text on the left side, it is about the Polish concentration camps. 
