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Even more about me

Incase u havn't heard enough about me..

1. Name: Courtney.. like u didn't already know that
2. Eye Color: Brown
3. Height: 5'10''
4. Hair Color: um.. naturally or now? i've had alot of colors..lol now its Orange and black or brown or sumthin.
5. Siblings: one brother R.J.  (aka Tubby)
6. Birthday: February 10th
7. Sign: Aquarious
8. Where you live: St. John's 
9. Sex: Yes please...haha j/k im female
10. Righty or lefty: Lefty
12. Boxers or briefs: Boxers
13. Long or short hair: Dependz on the person.
14. Tall or short: Don't matter
15. Six pack or muscular arms?: 6 Pack
16. Good or bad guy/gurl: In the middle 
17. Hat or no hat: um.. dependz on the persons look
18. Ears pierced or not: As long as they are comfortable
19. Freckles or none: don't matter really 
20. Stubble or neatly shaved: Doesn't matter!
21. Rugged or neat: Meh...not too neat
22. Sturdy or cutie: Both
23. Accent or not: Not too much of an accent..but i love accents at times lol

29. Dark hair or blonde hair: Doesn't matter 
Shy or outgoing: Little of both
47. Chocolate milk or white: mm yummy lolz*love em both
48. Root beer or Dr. Pepper: Eww.. lolz* milk for me :0)
49. Pudding or Jello: Pudding...mmmmm i love both.
50. Sunshine or rain: Sunshine...but I love the rain in the summer when it's warm out
51. Vanilla or chocolate: Vanilla ice cream..
52. Skiing or boarding: Both sound like fun
53. Cake or pie: sure.. lol um don't matter either way
54. Love or lust: Umm... depends on the mood
55. Silver or gold: Silver
56. Sunset or sunrise: Sunset
57. Have you ever gone skinny-dipping: not yet
58. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: Of course 
59. broke/sprained/fractured a bone?: Ugh, oh yea! stupid question ..lolz*
60. What's your favorite band/singer: i love ALL music
61. Do you have any piercings: Yes, yes I do 
62. Do you sing in the shower: yeah...
63. Experienced love at first sight?: Lust at first site..not love..
64. What's your favorite color: rainbow!  

if u still need to know more about me..ur sick