The present is gunna have a big impact on our futur. The little things we do everyday are the building blocks for our future that lies ahead.
Everyone is unique & special everyone deserves to be treated equally. it doesn't really matter weither your a girl or a boy the way u look at life or what age you are ( i hate being looked at differently because of my age... u have to get to know me in order to judge me) everyone has their own battles in life.. don't ad to their solve them.
God created the earth he sent his son to it.. to feel the way we do.. to live like us pay for us.. he understands the way we feel. we can always turn to him for any reason at anytime.
i think God loves everyone unconditionally and has a plan for everyone.
I believe in love as i said. Everyone should be loved by sumone...there is someone out there for everyone. and if u havn't found them yet.. don't worry.. you will.
Mircales can happen and they do...everyday..
My friends and familly are amazing! sure i wish they'd just disapear at times.. but i still love them with all my heart. life is a long road.. and fights and differences are minor speed bumps along the way.. i don't think letting them effect your realations ships is gunna help u reach the end of the road any sooner.. so simply step aside.. let life be life.. and i do have faith everyone will make it to the end of that long road. i hope i see you all there.