"The biggest reason we wanted to live on a farm is so we could disciple our children. We see great value in a father working with his children. I also enjoy having my husband home for the noon meal. Then, too, he's almost always on the farm, so if there's an emergency I can reach him right away." - Kari Stadem "Money can't buy what we've found here. We thank God for taking us from a high-paying job in southern California to this low-paying, hard-working, long-hours job on a turkey farm. Not even in my dreams did I imagine there existed a place like this in which to raise our six children. Here we have more time together. Family relationships are growing deeper. We have found a community of caring, like-minded Christian families." - Bert Johnson "Gerard and I wanted him to work close to home and now the house is right next door. We also like the country and the variety in the work. Here there is room for the kids and a simpler way of life, away from the distractions of town living." - Carol Schreiner (Silo Farm) "I would love to be able to raise my family on the North Dakota home farm but it is not financially feasible. This situation enables us to live on the farm next to other great families. This is a great place to raise your family." - Chuck Leininger (Silo Farm) "I planted a fruit orchard on the farm property: that should speak for my commitment to the vision here (I'm in it for the long haul)." - Kelvin Kraemer "Working together on the farm where we live has drawn us closer as a family. Having neighbors on the same farm has drawn us closer as a community of families. (I especially appreciate the fellowship the women enjoy as we share joys and concerns each week.) The care I received from the community after the birth of our two youngest sons was almost overwhelming. Since we left all our family back in Chicago to be here, that means a lot!" - Susan Kraemer "Working with people who focus on loving God has helped me make my time with my children more quality. And having my children work alongside me has increased the quantity of time I can spend with them. I am blessed to be here." - Pete Stadem Contact Us |