Pregnant Kari was showing Sarah, age 4, a card they had received in the mail. "This is from your dad's Auntie Pearl. She's 92 years old." Sarah asked, "Did she die?" The reply, "No, she's still kicking." Sarah pondered this new phrase for half a minute, then asked, "You mean in your tummy?"
We are continually dragging cockleburs into the house. Daniel and Joel (age 3) call them "cocclebirds".
Kari was talking to Michelle in the car while Daniel (age 3) tried to get a word in edgewise. Finally he said, "I have something to say to you too."
Joel is squeezing Mom tight at bedtime: "I tight you."
Joel has an almond kiss that he's sucking on. He's planning to bite it and says, "Now I'm going to bump it."
Joel (age 3), "What today is it Mom?"
Daniel: "There's giraffeses in Lion King."
Judy had Joel, age 3, in the car, and Joel wanted a cookie. Judy ignored him because he didn't ask politely. Joel chanted in rhythm, "I want a cookie, I want a cookie, I want a cookie." Then seeming to realize his tactic wasn't working, he changed his chant. "No, you can't have it if you talk like that. No, you can't have it if you talk like that."
Flying in the airplane with Grandpa, David, age 6, was given the wheel and told that they would fly the plane together. When grandpa let go David flew alone for awhile. He caused some unintentional manuevers so grandpa took back the con. After a moment of silence David advised grandpa, "I think I should be told before I fly by myself."
Grandma and Michelle shopping when Michelle was 3: Michelle picked up a large stuffed Kitty, pointed to the tag and said, "You know what this says Grandma?" "What does it say?" answered Grandma. "Grandma and Michelle can buy this."
Talking about Rachel's beautiful velvet dress that she got at a rummage sale for $2, Judy said, "It was a real coup." Michelle promptly replied, "It's beautiful, though."
Last night we were in the barn for a "run and play" time. The kids all did the long run (all the way around the 450' barn); when 4 year old Daniel came puffing in, I said, "Did you go all the way around, Daniel?" "Yes," he said, clutching his chest, "but my life hurts."