he Odessa Matchmaker you may contact her on ICQ 20209581
At this page you can have free online talk with a FORTUNE-TELLER JUST NOW.
ICQ: 474707095, email: laesperanto@gmail.com, Skype: Astrovski, Yahoo! ID & Email: larkylife@yahoo.com
FORTUNE-TELLER can advice you and help to get rid from fears and stresses. You can get a solution of your hard life situation, we even tell you for free what was your night dream about. Ask our FORTUNE-TELLER and your life will be changed for the better.
International Matchmaking Agency is a free photo singles service featuring
women from Odessa Ukraine. "DAR"
means "gift" in Russian: it's a gift of communication which helps
gentlemen to correspond with, meet, and marry
beautiful Russian and Ukrainian women, who are interested in a sincere
friendship and an everlasting marriage; brings love and family happiness to
single people!
"DAR" agency is located in Odessa, which is called a pearl of the
Black sea. Odessa is a big international
port and a wonderful health resort. It's a multinational place famous for
its good humour and pretty women.
We are sure that you will meet the love of your life and find your happiness
in this romantic city.
have you any questions, please contact
Icq #20209581
voice phone:
+380 (482) 47-18-65
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