Bars, Lines & Dividers Images #1-20 of 295
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FREE animated gifs,  jpgs,  bmps,   graphics,   cartoons,  pics,  images and animations.
  These are just a few I have collected over the years. ANIMATED GIFS are excellent for website building and emails.

  1. PC users should right click on the image of choice
  2. Then select "Save image as..."
  3. Save image to your harddrive in a folder
animated gif
fishline.gif / 5.94k
animated gif
1brgwt1_e0.gif / 771k
animated gif
2red_hearts.gif / 1.48k
animated gif
2bflies.gif / 3.14k
animated gif
2bluarrows.gif /9.52k
animated gif
2feather.gif / 2.51k
animated gif
2hrsln.gif / 6.87k
animated gif
3lf-line.gif / 1.75k
animated gif
4b.gif / 2.72k
animated gif
5beaded.gif / 14.7k
animated gif
5cuties.gif / 4.93k
animated gif
abar.gif / 1.48k
animated gif
abar2.gif / 1.48k
animated gif
adiv.gif / 4.21k
animated gif
afairy.gif / 2.50k
animated gif
ahorse.gif / 1.58k
animated gif
alotfish.gif / 2.79k
animated gif
angelbar1.jpg / 15.7k
animated gif
angelbar2.jpg / 4.79k
animated gif
anhrt.gif / 10.9k

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