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Unnamed Ranma Crossover Prologue: The Dark Secret of the Nyaniichuan
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Prologue: The Dark Secret of the Nyaniichuan

An As Yet Untitled Ranma Crossover Story

I am planning on branching this story out in two different directions; first I plan on crossing it with Gold Digger, and in a different branch I will cross it with Sailor Moon (or not, I may pick something else, but this is my current leaning right now).

Disclaimer: Ranma and all other anime/manga/whatever belong to their respective owners, not me. Heck, I can't even claim to own a COPY of any of it, so don't sue me, all you would get for your trouble is exorbitant lawyer fees, and the clothes off my back (not a pretty sight, let me assure you).

Prologue... The Dark Secret of the Nyaniichuan (The Spring of Drowned Girl)

      Ranma sighed, once again wondering why the Amazons seemed even more desperate to get him to China recently. It had been almost two years since his visit to the cursed springs, and his subsequent encounter with the Amazons. A year after his arrival in Nerima, Ranma had saved Akane from Saffron, and nearly married her, when the Amazons and Ukyou had literally bombed the wedding. They had backed off for about a month after that, and then decided that he had forgiven them. Everything went downhill from there. Akane had been even more violent than normal, while Ukyou seemed more desperate than ever, but the biggest surprise was the Amazons. The Amazons Grew steadily more desperate to get him back to China every day, And now he had no idea what to think...

     Cologne sat in her room in the restaurant, thinking to herself, 'We've got to get that boy back to the village, and before the secret gets out...'

     Shampoo sat in her room, and worried about the fate of her 'husband' should they not convince him to come back to China, and soon.

     In his cage, Mousse thought about what would happen when Ranma learned the truth of his curse, and laughed at Ranma's fate, though all anyone would hear was loud quacking.

     In China, Herb was wondering why the Amazons had been trying to get him in their tribe as of late.

     Now we look into an ancient book inside the deepest vaults of the Amazon village... "Any man who falls into the Spring of Drowned Girl is to be brought into the tribe within two years, and if they are not, then they must die, or be locked in their cursed form to prevent the secret from getting out."

     If you searched hard enough in that library, you would many clues as to what the secret was, but only once you pieced them together would you understand the meaning of them. The secret would seem harmless enough from some of the individual clues, until you pieced them together, and then the meaning could be disastrous to all those involved: "When a (human) male falls into the Spring of Drowned Girl, after the curse stabilizes (taking a period of two years, see book on Jusenkyo curses), the female form may become pregnant with the child of the male form, locking the cursed individual in their cursed form until two months after giving birth. Every time the individual changes from male form to female form, after the period of stabilization is finished, the cursed individual has a ten percent chance of becoming pregnant, unless it is during their fertile period, at which point in time, the chances increase to a fifty percent chance of conceiving a child. The only way to prevent conceiving ones own child, the cursed individual must either be cured before the curse stabilizes (no attempt at curing an individual after the curse has stabilized has succeeded, and no cure before the curse has stabilized has ever worked twice), or to lock the individual in the cursed form of the individual."

     Ranma was running out of time, and the sad thing is he didn't even know it.

Author's note: It seems a little darker than my usual fare, but oh well. Please send C&C

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