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My Fanfiction
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This is the location of all my current fanfiction.

The Interferance of the Shikima
Ranma, La Blue Girl, Gold Diggers, SM, + others fusion
Got the idea from the story The Shikima Interface and several pics.
Lemon Warning

Shikima 00

Shikima 01

Ranma's New Life
Ranma, SM, Gold Diggers X-Over with OMG cameos
Ranma's tired of his life and wishes to start over.

New Family 00

A Really Bad Ranma/SM X-Over
Ranma, SM X-Over with Ideas from Gold Diggers, may add others later on.
Made with Crossover creator... will be lemon eventually (Probably in side stories). see story for why.

Ranma/SM X-Over 00

Neko-Ranma, Neko Senshi
What happens, when Ranma becomes something like a were-cheetah after eating some of Akane's food.  He leaves town, that's what.  Now he is running to a different part of Tokyo that is known for chaos so that it is more difficult for people to follow him, and he meets up with the Senshi.  But who is this woman named Crystal, and what does she want with him. Lemon Warning.


Neko-Ranma, Neko-Senshi 01

Unnamed Ranma Crossover
The Nyaniichuan has a dark secret that the Amazons don't want to get to public attention.


Unnamed Ranma Crossover Prologue: The Dark Secret of the Nyaniichuan
