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Shikima 00
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The Interference of the Shikima


Disclaimer: Pulling a Schultz I own nothink, I see nothink, I hear nothink


Crossover warning: This is an altraverse crossover between Ranma and La Blue Girl, may later include SM, Gold Diggers, and a few others.  I keep the right to add as many crossovers as I want as I write, so that as the story goes on it can separate more from the story and pics that gave me the idea.  The beginning of the story is where it most closely resembles where I got the idea.


Got the idea from the story The Shikima Interface and several pics.


Lemon warning


Warning: Will be dark in places, includes rape scenes.


Secondary disclaimer: I do not approve of rape in any form or fashion and believe that it is one of the worst things on this green earth. Do not try anything that you read in here at home, if you do your probably crazy, sick, twisted, and need to go to a mental institution.


Ranma timeline after Canon, very few changes, those will be explained in the story for the most part.  Akari never shows up in this timeline.  Ranma is a genius, but sometimes shows no common sense, and he hides his intellect, and many of his martial skills, from everyone.  Ryoga is smarter than canon, but more depressed in general, because he knows that Ranma is smarter than he lets on, just not sure how much smarter, so he doesnt think as much as he could.


Prologue The Cure for Jusenkyo. Or is it?


            Ryoga was wandering, being lost again, around in a forest, trying to find any clue as to where he might be this time.  As he is walking along he feels a large power nearby, and sees foot prints on the ground that seem to be leading in the direction he feels the power emanating from, so he follows them, surprisingly without getting lost, this time.  When he nears the power it suddenly diminishes until it disappears from his senses.  When he finally gets where the power was he sees a familiar figure, that of Happosai, not in itself a welcome sight, but what made it more unwelcome in this instance is that he appeared to have just finished some ritual or another, and that usually means demons that he has to help Ranma fight or else Akane will get hurt.


            "Hello, my boy."  Happosai speaks to Ryoga without turning.  "I have a proposition for you."


            "What would that be you letch?" Ryoga asks suspiciously, but in a surprisingly (even to him) calm tone.


            "How would you like to break your Jusenkyo curse?" Happosai asks slyly.


            "You have a cure?!?! What is it!?!?  Give it to me!!!" Ryoga is now about ready to sell his soul to get rid of the curse, because of the trouble caused to him by it.


            "I will give it to you on the condition that you take the cure while Ranma is watching, and in female form, but without him knowing that you know he is watching.  You can show him what it is by trying to activate your curse immediately after you break it."


            "I'll do it.  Then I can be a whole man for Akane."  When Ryoga agrees, Happosai grins evilly to himself, but as his back is still to him, Ryoga doesnt notice.


            "Here you are me boy.  Just follow the instructions on the scroll to the letter.  You must take it once a day everyday for a month for the curse to be permanently broken.  And remember our deal, if you dont hold up your end of the bargain, then I will make sure that you are permanently stuck in your cursed form, and that Akane finds out who you really are."


Hearing this Ryoga gulps loudly, and says, "I will do as you ask, then takes the scroll and walks off while reading it, promptly getting lost."


As soon as Ryoga leaves Happosai starts laughing to himself. "As soon as Ranma drinks that potion, hell either be dead for the poison, or be stuck in female form permanently and so weak it will be easy to either destroy her, or make her my plaything!! * hmmm * I better keep an eye on Ryoga to make sure he follows the deal." Happosai smirks evilly to himself.



At first Ryoga did not understand the instructions, he could only read the ingredient list, so he decided to start gathering all of the ingredients, which because of his travels he had a surprising number of them, and it was relatively easy to get the rest of them.  He was going to ask someone to translate the rest of the scroll for him when he finished gathering the ingredients, but found it unnecessary as when he finished collecting them the rest of the scroll became legible to him, as if by magic, which worried him greatly, but he decided that since it was to break a magical curse the scroll must be magical in nature as well.  With that finished and justified he started following the directions on the scroll, when he saw what looked like a warning, referring the reader to another scroll which he didnt have, so again he forgot about it.  This might have seemed weird to him that he kept on ignoring these warning signs, had it not been for him being so focused on getting a cure, that nothing else seemed to matter.  Soon he was ready to begin final preparations, as the scroll said that he needed to let the potion sit for a while.  Seeing this he sets off to find Ranma.


Soon Ryoga finds himself in a familiar area, though he couldnt tell why.  Then it hit him, he was in a park in Nerima that Ranma frequented regularly, courtesy of Akane Air.  The only reason he recognized it was that he saw a familiar figure in the sky heading to the lake, but it looked to be a little while in coming, so he quickly set up what he needed.  As he was finishing the preparations he heard a splash, but ignored it, and pretended that he did not notice it.  Soon he heard Ranma coming up behind him muttering quietly, then stop.  Ryoga supposes that Ranma finally noticed him.  Ryoga finishes the potion and puts a single drop in liter sized water bottle full of water and drinks all of the water in it, then pulls a bucket out of seemingly nowhere and dumps cold water over himself, and is relieved when nothing happens.


All of the sudden the vial that holds the rest of the potion is taken from him by Ranma, who is jumping for joy that someone found a cure, and drinks down the whole vial.  She starts dancing and singing, "never gonna be a girl again," when she suddenly notices that she is just that, a she.  She stops suddenly and turns on Ryoga demanding a kettle of hot water, which he gives her hiding a smug smile.  When she pours its contents over her heads and nothing happens she demands of Ryoga, "What have you done to me?"


Ryoga just laughs saying, "Nothing, you did it to yourself."


As she stands there staring at Ryoga, Ranma starts to get mad, especially as her body seems weaker than normal for some reason.  When she notices how weak she is becoming, she becomes afraid, hiding the fear behind a mask of anger, while hoping that she wasn't dieing of an overdose, and worried about what Ryoga might do to her if he found out about her sudden weakness.


Thinking quickly, she tried to think of a way to get away without giving away her weakness.  She is having difficulty thinking clearly so, instead of being able to think up a clever plan, she resorts to an old tactic: Insult them until they can't think, then retreat. "So, P-chan is a BIG pig now, huh?  Are you going to try to keep sneaking into Akanes room at night, or are you going to go to a pig farm and lay down with them, 'cause you miss bein' a little piglet?"


This angers Ryoga, but he is strangely calm.  Suddenly something occurs to him, 'I bet I could get the best revenge of all right now,' he thinks to himself, as a smirk slowly crawls up his face.  Normally he would not be thinking like this, but what he doesn't realize is that Happosai put a spell on the scroll that would make the person who makes the potion susceptible to Happosai influencing their thoughts.  Ryoga realizes that he can have the ultimate revenge on Ranma right here and now, and that there wasn't anything Ranma could do to stop it, with this realization his smirk grows wider, despite the fact that he didn't know where the thoughts came from.


When Ranma saw the smirk forming on Ryoga's face she became fully scared, not knowing what was going to happen next, but suspected just the same.  She grew silent as the smirk widened into a full-blown evil grin, and she started to back away cautiously.  All of the sudden Ryoga wasn't standing in the place he had been, but was at her side restraining her arms.


When Ryoga grabbed her arms she panicked, and started to thrash weakly about, with no hope of stopping him when he took off some of his bandannas and tied up her arms and legs securely, and gagging her so she couldn't cry out.  He quickly packed everything into his pack and picked up Ranma and his pack, not knowing where he was going, but heading there none-the-less, knowing that he couldn't have his revenge in the open.  Suddenly he spots a cave and enters, then sets up camp with Ranma watching helplessly from her prone position on the ground next to the cave wall.  As Ryoga watches her from the corner of his eye, while she tries to escape knowing it is futile, he becomes VERY aroused.  He watches the rise and fall of her chest as she breathes deeply, how, with her arms tied behind her back, her breasts are made to strain against the fabric of her shirt, and the fact that it was still wet making her white Chinese shirt almost translucent, and to clinging to her breasts like a second skin, showing her nipples plainly.  He finally decides that he has had enough and walks over to Ranma and begins to speak.


"Ranma, I am about to have my ultimate revenge against you.  You have been nothing but a thorn in my side since the day we met, and now I will finally have my revenge."  He states this calmly, but there is an unusual gleam to his eyes, letting Ranma know that her life, at least as she knew it, was over, and she was right.  Ryoga quickly bends down and starts to rip her clothes off.  She is now having to hold back tears of shame and rage, embarrassment and sorrow, wearing nothing but the bandannas binding her.  "I see that you're a natural redhead in this form Ranma.  I heard that natural redheads are the best lay possible, so I'm happy to see that I'm going to have some good fun."  Ryoga laughs at the look of horror on Ranma's face, and starts removing his clothes calmly.


Ranmas eyes widened as she heard what he is said and struggled even more fiercely than before, but all in vane.  When she saw him take off his pants, she was horrified at what she saw.  His penis was easily 10 inches long and 2 thick.  She heard him mutter about interesting side effects, and correctly guesses that this is due to the potion, and that he didn't use to be this large.  Knowing the size of her entrance due to the fact that she had had to bathe in cold water before, she didn't think that it would be able to fit in her and that she would be split in half.


As she watches in mounting horror Ryoga picks her up and roughly places her face down on a large rock, so that her knees were touching the ground under the rock, the pose slightly resembling doggy style.  As he prepares to mount her, he grabs her breasts and squeezes hard enough to make her cry out in pain, but the gag muffled it.  He quickly lines himself up and penetrates her as fast and hard as he could, then when he had fully penetrated her he stopped, and leaned down to whisper in her ear, each move he made making his dick move inside of her womb as she openly cried now, bleeding from a combination of a dry entry and her broken hymen.


Ryoga whispers softly into her ear, "I'm going to make you suffer Ranma, I'm going to rape you all night, in different ways, then in the morning I will take off your gag and continue raping you until you beg for me to give you sexual release.  I am going to completely and utterly humiliate you.  If anyone comes by I will let them join in on the fun, and I will have you begging for more."  After he finishes this statement, he starts roughly pumping in and out, all the while taunting Ranma softly.


Ranma swears to herself that she will not give in to him no matter what, and curses her body, when it starts to respond to Ryoga's rough ministrations.  As her body starts to lubricate her hole, she starts to feel a pleasurable sensation unlike anything she has felt before, and it scares her spitless.  She curses her bodys betrayal over and over in her mind, trying to think of anything but the pleasure that her body is giving her.  She can feel something inside of her starting to grow, it was kind of like the tide rolling in, and she involuntarily started to push back every time that he penetrated her, until she realized what she was doing and forced herself to stop, trying desperately not to give into the pleasure.  What she did not realize at the time is that it was a losing battle, the best that she could do was make sure that she didn't become his plaything permanently.  When she realized these things she started plotting a way to escape, as soon as she could.


Soon she could not stop her bodys betrayal of her, and it set up a rhythm with Ryoga that she could not stop for the life of her.  Ryoga gloats in her ear saying, "Thats right Ranma, you slut.  Youre mine now to do as I please, and there is nothing you can do to stop it.  I know that right now it is just your body, but soon you be addicted and even your mind will want me to continue.  Bwahahahah."


As she hears this her resolve to escape just gets more intense, but despite that her body's betrayal is immense.  Almost as soon as he finished speaking an orgasm wracked her body, it was the most intense feeling she had ever experienced, and because of this she grew deeply afraid, though she didn't show it externally.  When she had her orgasm, all of her muscles clench, and her pussy starts to involuntarily massage Ryoga's dick in order to get his semen into her, and almost as soon as her orgasm starts, so does his.  Gallons of sperm flood her womb, but for some reason not even a single drop leaks from her body, seemingly absorbed into her for the most part except for a large ball of it that got lodged in her womb like a baby that was ready to be born.


As soon as he finished unloading his sperm in her he pulls out, still hard, and shoves his dick up her ass.  This was even more painful to start with than the initial vaginal entry, because the ass is not meant to be penetrated in this way.  Soon though, it becomes more pleasurable than the initial fuck, because the ball of semen in her womb elongates down her channel becoming shaped exactly like Ryoga's dick and becoming just as hard.  Soon Ranma is having multiple orgasms due to the double stimulus, and then Ryoga again orgasms, leaving just as much semen in her ass as he did her womb, and again for some reason a lot of that semen absorbed into her body, while the rest reshaped into another replica of Ryoga's dick when he pulled out.


By this time Ranma is almost unconscious from the pleasure, but when she hears Ryogas voice again she is instantly awake.  "I see you enjoyed yourself Ranma.  I'm going to enjoy finishing this.  Are you ready to beg yet Ranma, because I know you enjoyed that almost as much as I did, if not more than I did, hmm?"  Ranma quickly shakes her head no, and tries to cry out for him to stop, but again the gag stops her from saying anything more than a whimper or moan.  "Too bad Ranma the next one was going to be special, but oh well, I can still have fun!"


He quickly gets behind Ranma again and fucks her with the semen dildos as hard as he could, making her cry out almost silently in a combination of pleasure and pain, and soon she is having multiple orgasms again, and fades into unconsciousness.


When she passes out Ryoga stops and unties her legs, gets a big bowl from his pack and puts it on the floor.  With that done he picks her up and positions her lower openings over the bowl, but keeping her from sitting in it, and the dildos come out of her reforming into a liquid, and landing into the bowl.  That done he fills a large water bottle with it, takes the gag off of Ranma, and puts the bottle to her mouth making sure that nothing would escape.  Waking her up quickly, he forces her to drink down all of the semen that was in the bottle by depriving her of oxygen; the strangest thing being is how it seems to change consistency.  For while in the bottle it flows like water, but the instant it flows into her mouth it becomes thicker and sticky.  As soon as she finished swallowing he let her breathe again, but due to the residue in her mouth she could not bring herself to speak, but Ryoga has no such inhibition.


"Now you are mine Ranma.  That should be enough to put you completely under my control for the rest of your days."  Ryoga doesn't know how he knows that should be true, but he does.  What he doesn't know is that Ranma is quite unique.  The semen that Ranma absorbed and was forced to swallow was supposed to make her into an obedient love slave to him, but instead her body changed it from a slave potion into nutrients for her body to help return her strength and wits.  What neither of them knew was that the potion that broke the curses is a ki-destroying potion, and when she drank it, it destroyed all of her ki.  The only reason that she lived, was her uniqueness, instead of dying from a lack of ki, the magic that used to be her curse flooded her ki channels, sustaining her, and helping to rebuild her ki.  When the slave potion semen was introduced it gave the magic more strength, which gave her a little more strength, and increased the rate that her ki was rebuilding, although it is still building up at only a quarter the speed it normally would, due to the poison still being purged from her system working against the building of the ki.


Since Ryoga thought that Ranma was now under his control he decided to untie her arms, but when he did, instead of being his slave like he thought she should be, she used some shiatsu that she had learned from Tofu-sensei to knock Ryoga unconscious.  After he was out she picked up the remnants of her clothes and put them on to the best of her ability, and stealing some of Ryogas bandannas to hold them in place and closed where need be.


As soon as she finished with that she quickly left in search of the Tendo home.  After finding her bearings, she sighed in relief and trepidation seeing Nerima close by, and she set out hoping that she would survive until she got to the Dojo.




Authors Note: This is my first lemon fanfic, practically my first fic, probably the first that Ill post.  Like I said earlier, I dont think rape is a good thing.  This story will, in part at least, be dealing with Ranmas reaction to it, especially as it is his/her first sexual encounter, with the only prior knowledge s/he had of sex being what he heard from school, friends, Shampoo, Ukyou and Akane (Akane being his main source, as most everyone else is afraid of him/her).  S/he is very naïve up until this point, not even having known about masturbation.  Let me also say that quite a bit of this storys plot is taken from the Fanfic story The Shikima Interface, but it will be its own story, with my own unique twists (at least I think theyre unique, if someone else had the ideas for these twists before me Im sorry). 


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Shikima 01