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Shikima 01
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Chapter 1

The Interference of the Shikima


Disclaimer: I own nothing of the story, even a bunch of the plot is shamelessly stolen from another fanfic, I am altering the other fic quite a bit but the basic plot (is there one?) is the same.


Warning: If youre stupid, dont try this stuff at home, if your smart, youll know what you can and cannot do, so use common sense.


Lemon WarningDark fic warning


There are rape scenes in this fic, but dont point at me and say that I said rape was a good thing, because it is not, it is one of the most horrible things that was ever devised by man.






Chapter 1 Changes


It took Ranma an hour and a half to get to the dojo.  By the time she had reached the dojo it was nearly midnight, but everyone (everyone being all but Ranmas mother who was at the Saotome home) was still up, worried about Ranma because s/he was usually back in time for supper.  When they saw her, they were in shock.  They had never seen her in such a sorry state.


After a few seconds of staring Akane reacts, crying out, "Ranma," while running to help her.  When Akane reaches Ranma, she again surprises everyone by latching onto Akane and sobbing for all she is worth.  Akane is shocked still for only a moment before doing her best to comfort the sobbing girl, leading her to the guest bedroom (which has become Ranmas room only, because Genma moved into Souns room hoping that Akane would sneak into his room and seduce Ranma if he was gone).


When they reach Ranma's room Akane tries to put Ranma on her futon, but she won't let go of her.  Trying to get Ranma to relax her grip, Akane lays on Ranma's futon beside her, stroking her hair, and humming a tune she remembered her mother singing to her when she was upset.  Slowly Ranma falls asleep, but when Akane tries to leave, Ranma just holds her tighter, so Akane resigns herself to staying with Ranma.  Still stroking her hair and humming softly, Akane drifts to sleep next to Ranma.


The rest of the family just watched for a short time before they to went to go to sleep.



            The dojo was awakened in the middle of the night by a scream and loud sobbing coming from Ranma's room.  As soon as they were awake, they all dashed to find out what was wrong.  When they opened the door, they saw something that they had never expected to see:  There was Akane, on the futon, next to a sobbing creature that looked like a half-woman, half-feline, but it was hard to make out what type of feline, with the little light in the room.  As soon as Kasumi realized how dark it was in the room, She went to turn on the light, and missed seeing Nabiki approach Ranma and Akane.  But Kasumi didn't miss seeing the strange golden light that suddenly filled the room right before she could reach the light switch.


            When Kasumi turned around she was in shock, along with the rest of the family.  The feline like creature had started glowing with a golden aura with streaks of white, blue, and red.  It seemed that when Nabiki had touched Akane, the aura had started to come up, a pure golden color, which soon had streaks of blue.  When the aura expanded to cover Akane as well, it added streaks of red and white, and then the aura expanded once more to cover Nabiki as well, adding more streaks of blue, red, and white.  After it had covered all three for a few seconds it disappeared, leaving the room bathed in darkness once more, but this time the darkness was impenetrable but to three of the occupants, due to the sudden change in lighting.


            Kasumi quickly turned on the light, and everyone gasped in surprise.  On the futon where Akane, Nabiki, and the feline creature had been, there were now three feline creatures.  In the light, the family could see that the first feline being had been Ranma in female form, and could also tell that the other two were Akane and Nabiki.  They now had a slightly feline appearance, including a swishing tail, but you could also see who they once were.  Their appearance was somewhat like that of a cheetah, but they also appeared to have a stronger build, like those of large tigers.  They appeared as strong as tigers, as fast as cheetahs, and looked as if they might have the endurance of wolves.


Ranma appeared to still be sleeping, but was crying and shaking in her sleep.  The other two were completely shocked at what just happened, and it showed, but were completely content with what they now were, even if they didn't know what they were.  It also appeared that they had some form of telepathic and empathic bond with each other and Ranma now, which they discover when they are about to ask how the other is doing.  As soon as they find out about the bond they decide together to find out what is upsetting Ranma so much, and turn those bonds on her.




            Akane and Nabiki are in a desolate wasteland.  All that they can see for miles around is barren wastland or desert, with what appear to be ruins scattered about.  Suddenly they hear a feminine scream of despair and fear, and run as fast as they can toward it.  The first thing that they notice is that no matter how fast they go they can go faster, and not get tired.  The second thing they notice is that before they believed it possible they were on top of where the screaming was originating from.  They look around and finally notice what appears to be some sort of boarded up whole in the ground.  Remembering the story of the Neko-ken training, they expected Ranma to be in the pit, with the starving cats, and they rush to the pit and throw away the boarding.  What they saw in the pit shocked them more than anything they could believe.  There, in the bottom of the pit, was Ranma, in female form, naked, tied up in fish sausages, stomach over a large rock, being attacked by large Panthers, housecats, and other felines, while a Ryoga-Panther rapes her from behind.  He is stuffing a large dildo in her ass, while he stuffs his cock in her pussy.  As soon as he is finished unloading his seed in one hole he switches holes, stuffing the dildo in her pussy and his cock in her ass.


            Nabiki and Akane are so shocked by what they see that they can't even think to react for almost a full minute.  Finally they break out of the trance they were in and rush to her side, killing her attackers left and right, finishing by cutting Ryoga-Panther's cock off and force feeding it to him, before slitting his throat.  Afterwards they pick Ranma up and pull her out of the pit, and then create a grassy green meadow to lie her down in.  As soon as they lay her down, they lay down next her, hugging her, cuddling to her, and telling her that it is over, that everything will be okay, and that she doesn't have to worry anymore.


            Slowly, Ranma calms down, relaxing into their embrace.


[Meanwhile in the Real World]


            The family watches as Nabiki and Akane look at each other then Ranma.  They watch as Nabiki and Akane get concerned looks on their faces, then turn an unhealthy shade of white.  The family grows concerned as Akane and Nabiki are silent for several minutes, just looking at Ranma, watching as their faces change from pale to an angry pale-red, though you could tell the anger was directed toward someone or something not present, to loving concern.  The family continues to watch as Nabiki and Akane finally move, both moving to hold Ranma in a tight embrace so full of love and concern that it is almost tangible.  Both were whispering quiet words of reassurance to her while they held on, and slowly Ranma calmed becoming quiet.


            After Ranma calms down, Nabiki and Akane look at the family and say in unison, "Ranma will be fine for now, you should get some sleep."


            "We will explain what happened in the morning." States Nabiki, while smirking at a slightly blushing Akane.


            "We also believe that it might be best if Ranma didn't go to school for a couple of days, and doesn't have any visitors." Akane looks at Nabiki while she says this, waiting for silent confirmation, which she received.


            "We will stay here and keep an eye on Ranma, while she sleeps."Akane and Nabike said in an eerie unison, while blushing badly. "Goodnight everyone."


            After that the other family members, who were now thoroughly confused, left to go to their own rooms to sleep, with nothing disturbing them for the rest of the night.



            The following morning was eerily quiet at the Tendo residence.  There were no shouted exclamations of 'Ranma no baka', 'pervert', or even 'jerk'.  There wasn't even a morning sparring session, because it was called off by Akane and Nabiki making Neko-ken ki claws and threatening Genma's life should he wake up Ranma, or in any way harm her.  After that no-one tried to awaken the sleeping Ranma, and Kasumi called the school telling them that Akane, Ranma, and Nabiki would be out sick that day.


            About the time school was about to start, Ranma started waking up.  The first thing that she noted was that she was female at the moment.  The second thing she noted was that her futon was warmer than usual, and there was something hard under her and on top of her.  Next thing she noticed was that there was something pressed against her front, and another something at her back.  This is when she noted that her body felt different for some reason, and her senses of smell and hearing seemed to be sharper.  It was when she noticed that her senses were sharper that she noted two additional female scents, and the sound of two other people breathing.  What worried her most was the fact that she smelled those things somewhere close, though how she knew what they smelled like, she had know idea.  Slowly without opening her eyes she started to explore her surroundings with her hands.


'First things first, what is in front of me?' She asked herself silently.  Slowly moving her hands in front of her, she feels a warm presence, soft, but hard.  She decides hat she needs more information so her hands explore upwards, and soon finds soft but firm domes on the presence before her, and squeezes them slightly by reflex, then quickly letting go.  I''m getting a bad feeling about this,' was her only thought before she repeated the procedure for the presence that was behind her.  'A really bad feeling,' she finishes to herself.


Slowly opening her eyes she sees what she was dreading, but is shocked by who it is.  In front of her is Nabiki holding her tightly, looking into her eyes, as feelings of love and reassurance flow from her, and Akane who was behind her doing the same, with the same feelings of reassurance coming from her as well.  What gave her a chill was how they looked.  They both had a feline appearance.  There were only two things keeping her from bolting: the two girls were holding her to tightly to break from their grip due to her still being weak from the previous days ordeal, and the feelings of reassurance flowing off of them in waves into her.  They were both smiling kindly at her, but the smiles were also sad.  Slowly she remembers the previous days events, curling into herself as she sobs.


As Ranma sobs, she feels the other two girls wrap their arms tighter around her as the feelings of reassurance and love increase tenfold.  "I don't understand.  Why are you doing this for me?" Ranma sobs.


<Because we love you Ranma-chan> they reply simultaneously in his mind.


"How did you do that?  And why should you love me?  I'm weak, I couldn't even protect myself from getting raped by Ryoga."  As Ranma says this, she starts to cry harder, not caring if she is seen as weak for it, because that is how she now sees herself.  'I'm nothing more than a weak little girl,' she thinks to herself.


<We love you because you are who you are, Ranma-chan.  We don't believe you are weak, but very strong indeed to have survived what you did, no matter your gender at the moment> they reply. <As for how we are doing this, we are not sure.  We are basically just thinking at you.  It seems that something happened to us all last night after you got home>


They quickly inform Ranma about what happened last night, including what they saw in her dream.  Ranma shivers at the memory of the dream, but quickly calms with both of them there.  After they tell Ranma what happened the night before, they ask <What happened to you yesterday Ranma?  We know you were raped, we got that much from what you said earlier, and from your dream we also know who did it.  But we would like to know how it happened, so that we can prevent it happening again>.


Ranma quickly runs through what happened the day before, after he was hit into L.E.O. by Akane and landed in the park lake.  By the time she was finished with her story, Nabiki and Akane were furious at Ryoga, but also curious as to why the magic he was trying to use to make Ranma his slave didn't work on her.


Ranma thinks to herself for a few minutes before coming up with an idea <You said that something strange happened last night to make us like this, right?> Ranma waits for their nods before she continues <My theory is that for some reason it didnt have the effect he was expecting and that it was delayed, and when you two were with me last night the bond was formed between us, and because of the magic, mixed with my Neko-ken training we came out with these forms>.


Nabiki and Akane look at him in shock, before the former states <That's very possible, but when did you get so smart? Were you hiding it all this time?>


<Yes, I have been.  It helped to make my opponents underestimate me in battle, as well as letting me learn things from seeing them only once.  I also read every book Tofu-sensei has, and he taught me everything he knows.  I just needed to hide my skills unless necessary, or bad things could happen like getting dragged off to China when I'm not at my best, like now.>


<OK, we understand.  We won't tell anybody.  But we do need to tell the family what happened yesterday, and maybe try and find a way back to our normal shapes> Nabiki remarks.


<Why? I think you're both very attractive like that> Ranma remarks, and sees them blush as red as her hair. <All right let me think.  Maybe I'll be able to come up with a way to change us back to human, and if I'm lucky I can find a way to become male again, because this is scaring me being stuck as a girl without knowing if there is a cure>.


After a few minutes of thought, Ranma suddenly glowed like she had the night before, with an aura of gold, white, red, and blue, and when it disappeared she was human again, though still female.  After quickly explaining the process to her two bonded, she started trying to find a way back to her original gender, as the other two change.


Akane and Nabiki immediately notice some differences in themselves.  They both feel healthier than ever before, as well as stronger, faster, and more flexible, but not quite as much so as in their other form.  Their senses were also sharper than they used to be, but again, not as much so as their other form.  They also notice the same changes in Ranma, but she doesnt notice, because she is too busy trying to find a way to be male again.


Soon Ranma has the idea to try the same thing as she did to return to human, so she tried, but nothing happened, so she tried again and again, varying it slightly each time, and each time met with failure, until suddenly the glow formed around her again, then dissipated.  When she looked down at herself she looked the same, but something felt different.  Slowly, dreading what might have happened (thinking it would be worse than just being stuck as a girl) she reaches into her shredded pants and boxers and finds what she fears.  Quickly now she rips off her pants and boxers and looks at herself, finding more than just what she felt with her hand She now has a dick larger than Ryogas, at least 12 inches long and 2.5 wide, and beneath that she still has her pussy.  At this point she is very scared and starts to sob again, while Nabiki and Akane reach out and hold onto her.


When Ranma started glowing again Nabiki and Akane thought that she found a way back to normal, so were shocked to see Ranma still apparently completely female.  They watch as a horrified look spreads across her face as she reaches into her pants and feels around.  Then stare shocked as Ranma suddenly rips off her already shredded beyond repair pants and boxers, and see what had her so horrified.  Then suddenly Ranma curls in on herself, crying her heart out because she feels like even more of a freak now.  As soon as they see this, they rush to her and hold her tightly, sending feelings of reassurance while trying to keep rampaging hormones in check; for the minute the saw her with her dick and pussy, they became immediately aroused, and it only became worse as they smelled the others arousal.  But for some reason this time, no matter how much reassurance they sent her over the bond they shared, she would not calm.


After a few minutes of this the arousal got to be too much for Nabiki, so she shifted her grip so that she could kiss Ranma fully on the lips.  Ranma stiffens suddenly, then slowly relaxes into the kiss and starts returning it, tongue and all.  Akane, not to be out done, starts trailing light kisses down Ranma's body, planting a light kiss on each nipple, and continuing down.  Soon, she is at the head of Ranmas cock, and she kisses the head lightly, continuing to trail kisses down her cock then back up, and slowly swallowing as much as she could.  As Akane does this, Ranma shivers slightly from the combined pleasure of Akane sucking her cock and Nabiki's sensual kiss.  Akane continues swallowing Ranma's cock, slowly getting more and more, surprising herself at how much she could take, because by this time she has more than three quarters of her cock in her mouth, and can still take more.  She quickly deduces (correctly I might add) that it must have something to do with the magic bond, so quickly dismisses it.  She finishes swallowing her cock to the base, and starts to bob her head up and down, while sucking gently.


All three of them feel what the others were feeling through the bond, in such a way that it magnifies the feelings of pleasure at least tenfold, so when Ranma reaches orgasm all three of them reach orgasm, and each one is massive.  As Ranma shoots her semen, Akane swallows as quickly as she can, but has to back up, and when she removes her mouth from Ranmas cock, the semen shoots into the air and lands on all three of them until Nabiki can get her mouth on her cock, sucking and swallowing for all she is worth, even then she had to come up before Ranma had finished, and even more semen landed on all three of them, until the orgasm stopped.  They watched in amazement as the semen was absorbed into the skin of all three of them, and they all felt the strength of the bond increase, and even as they watched the semen that had not landed on them slowly moved to touch their bare skin and was also absorbed, increasing the strength of their bond even more.


Looking around the room, they saw no sign of their recent activities, except themselves, so had little fear of discovery, as long as they could straighten their clothes up, and have Ranma change back and get dressed in some clean clothes.  Ranma quickly figured out how to change back and forth between all her forms with ease, and got dressed as a human female in her favorite red silk shirt, and black pants, while the other two quickly straightened their clothes and also figured out how to change their forms with ease.  They all noticed that their feline forms were larger than their normal forms, and so were quite glad that they had loose clothing on.


As soon as they finished getting ready they headed downstairs to answer the familys questions.




Next time

How will the family react to the news of Ranmas rape?

            Will the family find out about the bond? If so, how will they react?

            And whats more, when am I going to get to the main plot and good stuff?


Authors note: Well I got this chapter done, hope you like it.  Ill be continuing this series off and on, unless I dont fell like it, then tough luck, but so far Im enjoying it for the most part.  The hardest parts were the rape scenes, because I have a hard time imagining what might be going through the minds of the rapist or the victim, all I know is that it is one of the worst crimes on the planet, possibly worse than murder.  If there are rape victims reading this I sincerely apologize if you are offended, and I am saddened because of what you went through.  All I know about rape is what I have heard, and that is that it basically rips away part of your soul for lack of a better description, and I heard that the best thing for a rape victim is to surround themselves with loved ones, and those who have experienced what your going through.  Be well in all you do.


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