Neko-Ranma, Neko-Senshi
Inspired by ½ a Neko Moon by John
McCready. A few of his ideas used here but I am trying to keep it original. Also has the idea from Uncles that Nabiki sells what is going on in Nerima to get
Crossover warning
Insert disclaimer of your choice,
just as long as you know I dont own ANYTHING.
Six months after the end of the Ranma
story ark.
After Hotaru returns to her natural
age from the end of the Death Busters, which is older than in the series.
Respective ages:
Ranma and company 18
Inners 18
Outers 19
Hotaru 16
Setsuna appears 25 unless otherwise
Ranma is tired
of his life. Six months ago he was set to be married to his fiancée Akane, then
the wedding is crashed by his other fiancées and rivals. After that his life
just got worse and worse, though he did officially beat Happosai, and gained official grandmastery of the Anything Goes School
of martial arts. But he feels that this is not enough of a good thing to balance
all of the bad that has happened in just the last six months. You'd think that
the two years before the failed wedding was bad, but compared to the last six months it was nothing. In the last six months, he has had AT LEAST 11 new fiancées show up EACH WEEK, some of which were male,
add to that, Genma made arrangements for Ranmas girl half to be engaged to Kuno, and his male half to Kunos sister! Plus, there was a letter that came in the mail to Ranma, stating that he has over a trillion yen debt,
and another one showed up for Genma for a little more than that. Apparently,
Genma signed Ranmas name to some tabs and bills. To top it off, Akane has been
hitting him more and more, and force-feeding him her cooking, though she did stop the second part just recently. She didnt stop force-feeding him, though, until he was unconscious for three days after eating
something of hers, and when he woke up he seemed to be a were-cheetah, which was strange, but not too bad with all the benefits,
especially since he doesn't seem to have a negative reaction to silver, and he is no longer afraid of cats. At least his mother burned that stupid contract when she found out about the curse.
Ranma was lying
on the roof right then, thinking of all of his current problems, and trying to find a way to solve them. He has found only one way to solve most of his problems, and though it would create more, it would solve
more than it created, and the ones it did create were easier to fix than his current problems anyway. Thinking on all of the plusses and minuses of this choice, either way he chooses, he comes to a decision:
he is going to need to find a new place to stay.
End Prologue
Authors rant:
This is only the beginning, but it
should get better. Should be fun for all of us.
Chapter 1: The move to Juuban
Ranma stands then jumps off the roof heading off to do the first thing
needing to be done to solve some of his problems: He is going to make Saotome Ranma legally dead, and take up a different
name, the same name as the only other were-cheetah he knows, Diggers, after all, why not after they invited him to when they
found out he was a were-cheetah, or something like it anyway, now, why not be in the same family. So he changes his name, and Saotome Ranma is no more, long live Diggers Ranma. 'Next is a place to stay, hmm, how about Juuban, I think that I heard some strange things happen there,
so they probably wont notice me as much, with all the chaos that surrounds me.' Ranma thinks to himself, 'I've got plenty
of money to rent an apartment if necessary, but I can probably just camp in the park.'
At this point it is mid-morning, one week after graduating from high school, and no one but Kasumi should be home,
because the fathers were out celebrating something, his mother was at her house, Akane was at a friend's house, Happosai was
on a raid, and Nabiki was out on business.
Ranma shifts to hybrid form and races to his room, packing all of his
belongings into his pack, and some of Genma's, after a speed of light search of his belongings, including some scrolls on
techniques that look like they haven't been used in a while. He then runs to
Happosai's room and takes all the technique scrolls that he has, quickly copies, and replaces them, packing the copies, and
leaves a note on the futon in his old room that reads:
'I'm sorry, but I have to leave.
Genma's dishonorable use of me has gotten to be too much and I can no longer take it, I am my own man and will not
let my life be lived for me. I am no longer a Saotome, Saotome Ranma is dead,
long live the new me. Akane, six months ago I was ready to marry you, but as
time goes on your temper just kept getting worse, and more out of control. You
did not trust me in the slightest. I cannot live with a marriage like that. I loved you at one time, but you have spoiled it.
I loved Ukyo too, but as a sister, and Shampoo as a dear friend, though if she hadn't started out trying to kill me
then trying to drug me, it might have become more. Thank you Kasumi for all of
your hospitality, you have been like a mother to me in the time that I was here, but now it is time for you to take control
of your own life like I am now. Don't let the rest of your life slip through
your fingers. Nabiki, I consider you my friend, despite all of the things you
did to me, I know that you were only trying to help your family, and I forgive you for all the pictures of me that you sold,
of both sides, though I better get a percentage from the business you started of selling pictures of our adventures nation-wide!
No less then 15 % in account number xxxxxx-xxx-xxxxxx, or I go and tell the nation about how your selling this stuff on us,
and we aren't getting a single yen, then sue you for 50 % of your profits. Soun,
you should be ashamed of yourself letting your daughters do everything around the house, INCLUDING EARNING THE MONEY. Genma, you bastard, you are no longer my father, and expelled from the School of Anything
Goes. Mother, I am sorry, but this is the only way that I can salvage my honor
and the honor of those that Genma engaged, and sold me too, and stole from using my name. I hope you all live long and happy
lives, except you Genma, I hope you rot in HELL. Good bye, Ranma.'
After he puts the letter on his futon, he puts a letter on Kasumi's
pillow, and it has some money in it and a note to look at college and fulfill her dream of being a doctor. He also puts a letter on Nabiki's pillow, with the real account number in it, and another thanks for being
a friend, and then he runs all the way to Juuban, in his hybrid form, which takes him a total of two minutes. When he reaches Juuban, he stops and immediately changes back into his human form so that the Sailor Senshi
don't attack him. After he changes to his human form, he notices that he is no
longer afraid of cats, which had slowly been going away after his transformation into a were-cheetah, (for lack of a better
term, I will call him a were-cheetah, even though he is not exactly one. For
example, silver does not affect him like a normal were-creature, and he tends to heal twice as fast as a normal were, no matter
what form he was in, though that one time that he was hit with that magic blast, it didn't heal quite as fast, only as fast
as a normal were heals normal wounds.) so he decided to try to use the Neko-ken. Going
down an ally so that no one sees him, he tries to produce ki claws, when he hears a voice.
"You're trying to do it wrong." The voice says. When the voice speaks, Ranma twirls around looking for the owner.
"I'm down here." He looks down and sees what appears to be a normal black
house cat, and it is immediately apparent to Ranma that his fear is completely gone, as he doesn't start to run screaming.
"What do you mean I'm doing it wrong?
How do you know what Im trying to do? And for that matter, why can you
talk?" Ranma asks of the feline.
"First off, the weird thing is that you understand me not that I can
talk. All animals talk in their own language, it's just that you humans seem
not to understand anyones language but your own while the rest of the animals understand each other." The cat pauses as Ranma
ponders this, and then continues when he nods, "Second, I know what you are trying to do by the patterns of ki being emitted
from you, and the feel of the ki. This is how you're supposed to do it." After that the cat demonstrates what Ranma is trying to do, by extracting its claws
and infusing them with ki.
Ranma nods and says, "Ah, I see."
Then proceeds to make the claws. "I think reason that I can understand
you is probably because I underwent the Neko-ken training when I was six. I seem
to have just gained control over the technique and fear of cats," Ranma states nonchalantly to the cat, which blanches on
hearing the name of the technique.
"Well then, let me tell you what to expect as a new master of the Neko-ken. First off, you will be prone to occasional cat-like behavior. Next your speed will be increased, as well as all of your senses, and the urge to mate to those that you
are close to will be stronger, by about a factor of ten, especially if you consider them to be a possible mate, no matter
what sex they are, but usually if you are a man then you will choose women, and if you are a woman, usually you will choose
men, unless you are strictly homosexual. Oh, and your seed is much stronger.
If you mate, then you will most likely have offspring as a result."
Ranma sits down, hard, at hearing these things. "Oh, boy. I'm going to be in trouble."
"If you dont mind, I could come with you, and give you advice if you
need it, and maybe help if I can." The cat says with hope in its voice.
"Oh, all right. What should
I call you anyway?"
"Call me Lina, Lina Inverse."
"All right Lina, come along."
And so they walk off to find a place to stay the night.
As they were walking along, they hear an explosion coming from a nearby
park, and race to see what is going on. When they reach the park, what they see
makes their hearts go cold. There are the Sailor Senshi, surrounded by nine demons,
one for each Senshi. The demons are ignoring the fleeing people, and focusing
on the Senshi, who are each struggling with their own demon which is trying to rape them.
Ranma starts running toward the battle, throwing nine vacuum blades, one at each demon, in order to distract them. Ranma and the Senshi are surprised that when the blades hit, they cut off some tentacles
on each of them, and the one in front of Mercury gets a hit on its body and is so damaged that one of Mercurys weakest attacks
kills it. When they see this all of the demons focus their attention on Ranma,
completely ignoring the Senshi, who are to shock to do anything anyway.
As the eight remaining demons attack Ranma, he dodges in and out of
their tentacles, rarely even being touched, despite being attacked by over a thousand tentacles at once. When Ranma moves in to attack though, he nearly gets one of his arms ripped off when he punches one where
the mouth was and it nearly bit through his arm. Screaming in pain, Ranma uses
his ki claws to shred it, and the rest of the demons, who quickly turn to dust. After
he finished off the demons, he falls to his knees, panting while holding in a scream of pain.
When Ranma screams, the Senshi are awoken from their shock, but by
then it is too late, and the demons are dead. They look over at their rescuer,
and several of them are ill from the sight of his arm only hanging onto his body because of a few threads of skin, and though
it does appear to be healing before their eyes, they just think that it is an illusion.
When Sailor Moon sees that she immediately knows what to do to help
their savior, heal him with the Silver Crystal. She held up the crystal and shouts,
"Moon Healing Escalation!" and there is a flash of silvery light, and when it disappears everyone is gone, including the cat.
Ranma looks up after the light fades and sees that it looks like he
is in the ruins of a palace of some sort, and when he looks up, instead of seeing the moon, he sees the Earth. "Where am I?"
"You're in a replica of the ruins of the Royal Moon Palace on the moon."
He jumps, then twirls to the sound of the voice and sees an elegant
woman, with silver hair, in a white dress, "Who are you, and what am I doing here?"
"I am what you would call the Silver Imperium Crystal, but you can
call me Crystal. As for why you are here, well that is a little complicated,
but in short you are here because I need a new wielder. You see, Sailor Moon
was never supposed to exist, she was only supposed to be the Moon Princess, now she has to do two separate power ups in order
to use me, first the Sailor Moon, where she is unable to utilize me, then the Moon Princess where she is able to wield me. As you can see this is impractical, and when she became Sailor Moon, she gave up her
right to the throne."
"Okaaay, but what does this have to do with me?"
"I'm getting to that. All
right, as I was saying I need a new wielder due to this problem, and I have chosen you to wield me, because of your strong
and pure heart. In exchange, I will give you control over your curse, make your
cat friend Lina Inverse your official advisor and a Moon Cat, so she can transform, after all she was human once, before she
was reincarnated into the wrong body. Plus you will have a bond to all of the
Senshi, but what form of bond that will be, I have no clue, it is different for everyone and I have never had a male wielder
before, much less one cursed to change sex, so we will see."
"Let me get this straight. You
are a magical crystal that wants to be called Crystal." At her nod he continues, "and you need someone else to wield you,
and you want me?" she nods, and at this point he is slightly suspicious, "So what do you get out of this?"
"I get a new wielder, that is very handsome I might add, and the ability
to experience new things, among other small things like that."
"I accept, but I just hope that I dont regret it." There is another
flash of light, and everyone was transported to Rei's room, on her bed, in the temple, and surprisingly enough no one had
any clothes on.
Everyone starts to wake up at the same time, to find themselves wrapped
in a soft warmth that they don't want to leave. Slowly Rei opens her eyes, but
thinks she is dreaming, for she had never seen such a delicious sight, for right before her eyes is a huge erect dick, and
without thinking, she pulls it into her mouth and starts to give it a blow job, while her hands start to wander. Soon her hands each find the soft warmth of a pussy, and she inserts a finger into each one, these actions
causing others to stir, and soon there is a massive orgy going on, with everyone getting massive amounts of pleasure, until
everyone erupts into a huge simultaneous orgasm.
As everyone comes down from their orgasmic high, they start to notice
their surroundings. When they finally get their wits back they see what they
had just done, but for some odd reason they are not embarrassed by it, but rather they are quite relieved, yet they don't
know why. They slowly start to untangle themselves, and when they are finished
doing so, they notice something strange; all eleven people in the room have cat like features, ten of which look like a mix
between human and Cheetah, and the eleventh is a mixture between a house cat and human, with a golden crescent moon on the
forehead. Then the Senshi notice something else, there is a male in the room,
only one male, and he is NOT Mamoru. Just looking at him makes the others hungry
for more, even though they can't seem to figure out why. At last they notice
the rest of their surroundings and find that they are in Rei's room at the temple, and relax, relieved that they were not
still in the park fighting the demons.
Finally Usagi, who was the nominal leader of the group, decides to
ask the new comers some questions, "Who are you? What are you doing here? And why am I not upset that we all just had SEX with you? I mean if nothing else I should at least be jealous that the others got you as well, but I'm not. Why is that?"
"Honestly?" Ranma asks Usagi, and at her nod continues, "Well for the
last few questions, I have almost no clue." After everyone finishes recovering from a massive facefault, he continues with,
"I'm Ranma Sa... Diggers. Sorry 'bout this."
He says this while scratching the base of his pigtail, making all of the girls in the room blush thinking about how
cute he is. After he says this, and while the Senshi are still blushing, they
hear him start to mutter, "Alright Crystal, why'd you have to do this?"
Minako pipes up, "Who's Crystal?"
"Huh? Oh, She's Crystal."
And Ranma holds up the Silver Imperium Crystal.
Usagis eyes go wide, "How did you get that? And why do you call it she?"
"I'm not sure how I got it. All
I remember is that you tried to use a spell on me that sounded like some form of healing spell, and the next thing I know,
I'm in what she called a replica of the ruins of the Royal Moon Palace. I saw
this beautiful woman, and she said that she was this crystal and told me to call her Crystal.
Then she said something about Sailor Moon not being able to be both Sailor Moon and the Moon Princess, and that when
she became Sailor Moon she gave up her right to the throne. Then Crystal told
me that because Sailor Moon could not be the princess, she needed a new person to wield her, and she chose me, still don't
know why she chose me though, and I accepted. She said something about a bond
between all of us, and that she would make my cat, Lina Inverse here, into a Moon Cat and my primary advisor, and something
about her having been reincarnated into the wrong body or something like that. She
also didn't know what kind of bond would form between us, because there has never been a male to wield her before, much less
one who was cursed to change sex." Throughout this all the Senshi's eyes get very wide.
At this he is interrupted by Haruka, "Cursed to change sex? This I gotta see."
"All right, just get me... wait, she said she would let me control
it... I wonder, hmm." He gets a look of concentration on his face, and then he is suddenly a she. Everyone in the room starts to drool, and most of them become confused.
"Wait a second, why am I looking at your female form sexually, I've
never liked girls like that. Wait, why am I looking at all of you with sexual attraction, including his male form?" This is
said by a confused looking Minako.
"That is strange, and I was looking at his male form the same way. Did that happen to you to Michiru?" Michiru nods.
"I wonder what is going on here."
"It probably has something to do with the bond. Maybe it is to make sure you find me attractive in either form. Oh,
if you want to change back to human all you have to due is concentrate on your other form.
And you might want to concentrate on what you would look like if you were born male, just to see if there is another
way that the curse affects the bond." At this, some of the Senshi get slightly
frightened looks on their faces, while none of them return to human, because they know they can, they dont worry about it.
Finally, Setsuna decides to chance it, and closes her eyes in concentration,
and all of the sudden, she is a he. Everyone looks at Setsuna hungrily, including
Ranma, much to her surprise. All of the sudden Ranma is attached to Setsuna,
kissing him passionately, while placing his now hard cock into her vagina, and starting to hump him furiously, which knocks
Setsuna off his feet and back onto Rei's bed.
Everyone stares in shock at this display, and then get wicked smiles
on their faces. Hotaru changes into her male form and comes up behind Ranma,
and sticks his dick into her ass, while Haruka changes to male and starts to have sex with Michiru. Rei decides that she has waited long enough, and changes into a male and starts to have sex with Usagi,
while Ami decides to change and take Lina, and Makoto changes and takes Minako. As
soon as everyone orgasms, they trade places, and soon everyone has had sex with everyone else, in pairs as female/female,
and male/female, where everyone had been male in the pair at least once, and everyone in the pair had been female at least
twice. They quickly found out that the male/female, and female/female pairs were
more pleasurable than male/male and decide to stay in either female/female or male/female pairs. After everyone was finished they changed back to their normal human forms, so that they were in their birth
"That was quite satisfying. I
never imagined that girls felt so much when they had sex," Ranma states, while lying back on the bed panting.
"Yeah, well I don't think any of us could have imagined what it was
like to have sex as a guy. I absolutely loved the whole experience. What about all of the rest of you." All around there is emphatic
nodding. "Well, I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm exhausted." There
is another round of nodding. "Then I suggest heading home, and making sure that your parents aren't worried."
Everyone then notices that they don't have clothes anywhere in the
room, and start to panic, before Ranma speaks up, "Crystal says that if you power down your transformation you will return
to what you were wearing before you powered up, and next time you power up you will have your costumes back. If you are in hybrid form, the costume will alter to fit your new form.
As is, I need to get going to find a place to stay. See all of you later." He
suddenly changes and is in his normal clothing again, and starts to head out, with Lina at his feet.
Makoto, Rei, and all of the outers speak up at the same time; "You
can stay with me/us," while everyone else looks slightly downcast that he can't stay with them, without someone getting suspicious.
"That's alright, I can just get an apartment, I was planning on it
anyway. Besides, I don't want to show any favoritism by staying with one of you.
It would be rude to everyone else if I stayed with one of you and not the others, so if I stay with any of you, I'd
have to stay with all of you."
There is a unanimous cry from all of the Senshi, "SLEEPOVER!!!!" to
which Ranma develops a large sweat drop on the back of his head. The Senshi that
stay with their parents rush to the phone and tell them they will be spending the night at a friends house, then rush back
to Ranma, who is still sweating, while thinking, 'maybe saying that wasn't such a good idea after all,' before banishing the
After everyone had made their calls, they undressed again and jumped
into the bed, pulling Ranma along with them, and snuggled together VERY closely. Soon,
everyone was peacefully asleep, having nice dreams, filled with lots of sex.
To be continued?
Authors rant: Got basic idea from ½ a Neko Moon,
decided to change up the story quite a bit and diverge into a different main plot, with the sub plot is the same as the other
stories Main plot, Ranma becomes the leader of the Senshi. Oh well, Tell me what
you think, or I wont continue this. Send C&C to,
flames will be used to heat my poor home, while constructive criticism is always welcome. Sayonara.