The Dragon Cat
Disclaimer: I own nothing, I have no money, and Im making none off of this,
so if you sue me all that is going to happen is that you lose money.
The idea for Spring of Drowned Dragon Shape Shifted into Human Form came from
a bet fic. Other ideas inspired by other fics that I am not able to remember
off the top of my head.
Potential multiple crossover fic
The question that has inspired many fics is that of Ranmas soul; is it male
or female? Is it human, some form of cat, or dragon? This question combined with the beliefs of various people, have inspired many fanfics, but this fic will
probably be one of the weirder ones (I certainly havent read one like this before, and considering the number of fics that
Ive read, that is impressive).
"Here sirs, the valley of accursed springs, Jusenkyo." You all know how this goes right? Ranma,
a young Japanese teenager, and his father, Genma, ignore the guide and fight over the springs.
Very brief fight, Genma falls into a spring with a resounding splash, out comes a panda, which attacks a stunned Ranma,
who is hit by the panda into another spring. Out of the spring comes a busty
redhead right? Wrong, instead the spring bubbles for a bit before Ranma comes
out of the spring seemingly unchanged, though very dizzy. Apparently, he was
too dizzy for his own good, as when he stepped out of the spring, he stumbled around for a bit before falling into another
spring. This time, a busty redhead does appear, though only slightly less
disoriented. Finally the guides words penetrate.
"Oh no, sir fall into spring of drowned dragon shape-shifted
into human form. Very tragic t... Oh NO, not another spring, you fall into spring
of drowned girl, very tragic tale of girl who drowned 1500 year ago, now whoever fall in spring take on body of young girl. But you also fall in other spring, which means curses mix, but I not know how, maybe
cursed form now female dragon, or uncursed form male dragon, or even both. This
not happen before with these two springs, very strange, not know what going to happen."
After Ranma-chan hears this, she is shocked, but something slowly penetrates
her mind, cursed form, uncursed form, male, female. Female. HE was a SHE. SHE was going to KILL a certain panda. So starts the chase to make a panda fur rug.
A few minutes after the chase starts, she transforms into a 15 ft long dragon that looked to be a mix between a western
and eastern style dragon; long sinuous body, large wings, red 'skin' of some sort (hard to tell what type, whether leather
like or scales like a snake), four legs, the front made in such a way as to be usable as hands, extremely fast and agile,
whether on ground in water or in the air as it proves in the chase of the panda. After
only two minutes the chase has ended, the dragon returning to the guides hut with an unconscious panda in its mouth (Passed
out from fright when caught).
After a short explanation of the curses, Ranma was returned
to his uncursed form, which was apparently also of the dragon persuasion, though in dragon form the size difference is more
noticeable between genders than in human form, which could be due to the fact that his male dragon form is five feet
longer than his female dragon form, while in his human forms there is only about a three or four inch difference. Ranma also found, much to his surprise, that he didn't mind changing into a girl or a dragon and the only
reason he chased Genma in the first place was the principle of the thing, after all, what would you do if someone got YOU
cursed, no matter what the curse is, due to their stupidity. Admittedly
he didn't pay attention to the guide either, but give him a brake, he wasnt exactly aloud to pay attention to the guide as
his pop kept distracting him with other things. The dragon part of him affected
his mind as well, simply through the nature of a dragon; they have just short of an immortal life span, some of them are immortal,
so patience is a must for dragons, also they dont tend to anger easily, though they are very protective, in short, Ranma just
had his foot-in-mouth disease reduced by half if not more, along with some of his other problems going away such as his sensitivity
to insults on his gender, which is surprising considering his unique situation.
Ideas for furthering the story:
- Ranma becomes an ally to the
Amazons when it is revealed he is both a male and female dragon, and they teach him their techniques with the condition he
defends their village in times of war, but only if they do not pick the fight.
- Ranma makes the same deal
with the musk dynasty and phoenix tribes. Peace throughout the valley, not even
threats of war on their neighbors arises from any of them (for fear of not being protected by Ranma and possibly attacked
by him during the war because of his alliances) for the first time in 2000 years.
- Another part of the alliances
is s/he has to court someone of high rank for at least 2 yrs from each of the tribes, even if s/he does not marry them, though
s/he can marry any or all of them if s/he wants. From the Phoenix- Kiima, from
the Musk- Prince Herb (who was ordered by his father to do so, has girl curse, but not locked), and from the Amazons- Shampoo
(Xian Pu, with cat curse)
- Everyone finds out what happens
when a dragon goes into the Neko-ken (good thing they were out in the wilds of China where no one could get hurt)
- Guess what, apparently Ranma
has the Soul of a Tiger, which is the only reason he even survived the Neko-ken training, and they were able to cure his fear
of cats and have him gain control of the Neko-ken. Being the natural shape-shifter
he is now, he is able to take on several new forms, that of a cat, that of a cat/person hybrid, a dragon/human hybrid (found
this one after finding the cat/person hybrid and experimenting), dragon/cat hybrid, and human/dragon/cat hybrid (gender being
water dependant in all forms).
- Crossover with SM, Gold Diggers, Tenchi, and others possible.
Save the SM gang from youma, the Diggers family hears about a possible were-tiger, Yosho had a son that he disowned
for his dishonorable behavior, that son being Genma (you always read about Nodoka being his daughter, I just thought Id change
it up a bit).