Delta Company

41st Infantry Regiment

Delta Company

1st Battalion (Mech.), 41st Infantry Regiment

2nd Armored Division (Forward)


Photo Submited by:Dave Nichter
What a motly looking crew. Members of 1st Squad, 3rd Plt, Delta Co, 1/41 Inf.
Foreground: Upshur, Malo, Korstadt, and Jackson.


Photo Submited by:Dave Nichter
Members of 1st Squad, 3rd Plt resting after some aclimatization exersises
on the jetty at the port of Al-Jubayl in Saudi Arabia.
Left to Right: Marucha, Korstadt, Gooden, Malo, Ridgway, Jackson, SSG G, and Schaber.


Photo Submited by:Dave Nichter
Sgt. Millard, D co NBC NCO. Photo taken inside Al Jubayl warehouse.


Photo Submited by:Dave Nichter
Sgt. Chuck Taylor of 2nd Plt, Delta Company. Photo taken inside Al Jubayl warehouse.


Photo Submited by:Dave Nichter
Four guys having some breakfast just after "stand-to" on a cold Saudi Morning.
Malo, Gooden, Schaber, and Ridgway
Note the curious green canvas structures in the background.


Photo Submited by:Dave Nichter
Dave atop George Upshur's and his fighting position dug within Saudi Arabia before the ground war.


Photo Submited by:Dave Nichter
Kevin Phillips, Paul Marucha, and SSG William Gonzales with AT-4
"Hey, Sgt. 'G', How's that thing work?"


Photo Submited by:Dave Nichter
Danny Oliva, Gunner for Bradley D33, the "Desert Knight."
"Gunner, Coax, Troops!"


Photo Submited by:Dave Nichter
George Upshur, Randle 3rd plt medic, and Kevin Phillips.


Later Photos
PICS - Operation Desert Storm and Aftermath



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Created by David J. Nichter.
© Copyright 1999 - David J. Nichter.
Updated: 28 February 2000