a CO-creator of TELLOS, the book represents to
me an opportunity to help create something from
the ground-up that is completely mine (and TODD'S,
of course)-- and that springs wholly from my imagination.
a chance to tell the kind of stories that I've
always wanted to tell-- and the opportunity to
own them outright!!
an ARTIST-- this is the ultimate dream! Being
able to create the visual look of TELLOS from
scratch is the kind of thing that I've always
wanted to achieve in comics. Every project I've
worked on before this has been owned and ultimately
controlled by a large company..... and most of
the design work on the characters involved was
already done.
not only have I designed all the characters and
lands, but the lettering font is based on my handwriting
(thanks Richard Starkings and COMICRAFT!!), the
logo is my design, and even our production company
logo is my design. Who could ask for anything