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Shopping 101
    This the basic list of what is around and the prices may vary. Remember that not all places have everything or anything or other new items. Check the place where you are for more information on what is avaliable for sale.
    Also ASK (ie: roleplay) the store keeper what they have. The basic description of the store wont have everything, plus he might have something 'out back' if you are willing to pay a few extra gold.

Standard Exchange Rates
      Coin                          CP           SP        EP      GP      PP  
Copper Piece (CP) =      1           1/10      1/50    1/100  1/500
Silver Piece (SP) =         10          1            1/5      1/10    1/50
 Electrum Piece (EP) =   50          5            1           ½       1/10
Gold Piece (GP) =          100        10           2           1        1/5
Platinum Piece (PP) =    500        50         10          5         1

Daily Food and Lodging
Household Provisioning
Tack and Harness
Miscellaneous Equipment

Belt 3 sp Breeches 2 gp
Boots -- Cap, hat 1 sp
Riding 3 gp Girdle 3 gp
Soft 1 gp Gloves 1 gp
Cloak -- Gown, common 12 sp
Good cloth 8 sp Hose 2 gp
Fine fur 50 gp Knife sheath 3 cp
Mittens 3 sp Pin 6 gp
Plain brooch 10 gp Sandals 5 cp
Robe -- Sash 2 sp
Common 9 sp Shoes 1 gp
Embroidered 20 gp Silk jacket 80 gp
Surcoat 6 sp Sword scabbard, hanger, baldric 4 gp
Tabard 6 sp Toga, coarse 8 cp
Tunic 8 sp Vest 6 sp

Daily Food and Lodging
Ale (per gallon) 2 sp Banquet (per person) 10 gp
Bread 5 cp Cheese 4 sp
City rooms (per month) -- Common wine (pitcher) 2 sp
Common 20 gp Egg or fresh vegetables 1 cp
Poor 6 sp Grain and stabling for horse (daily) 5 sp
Honey 5 sp Meat for one meal 1 sp
Inn lodging (per day/week) -- Small beer (per gallon) 5 cp
Common 5 sp/3 gp
Poor 5 cp/2 sp
Meals (per day) --
Good 5 sp
Common 3 sp
Poor 1 sp
Separate latrine for rooms
(per month) 2 gp

Household Provisioning
Barrel of pickled fish 3 gp Butter (per lb.) 2 sp
Coarse sugar (per lb.) 1 gp Dry rations (per week) 10 gp
Eggs (per 100) 8 sp Figs (per lb.) 3 sp
(per two dozen) 2 sp Firewood (per day) 1 cp
Herbs (per lb.) 5 cp Nuts (per lb.) 1 gp
Raisins (per lb.) 2 sp Rice (per lb.) 2 sp
Salt (per lb.) 1 sp Salted herring (per 100) 1 gp
Spice (per lb.) -- Tun of cider (250 gal.) 8 gp
Exotic Tun of good wine (250 gal.) 20 gp
(for example, saffron, clove) 15 gp
Rare (for example, pepper, ginger) 2 gp
Uncommon (cinnamon) 1 gp

Bath 3 cp Clerk (per letter) 2 sp
Doctor, leech, or bleeding 3 gp Guide, in city (per day) 2 sp
Lantern or torchbearer (per night) 1 sp Laundry (by load) 1 cp
Messenger, in city (per message) 1 sp Minstrel (per performance) 3 gp
Mourner (per funeral) 2 sp Teamster w/wagon 1 sp/mile

Transport *
Barge 500 gp Caravel 10,000 gp
Canoe -- Coaster 5,000 gp
Small 30 gp Cog 10,000 gp
War 50 gp Curragh 500 gp
Carriage -- Drakkar 25,000 gp
Common 150 gp Dromond 15,000 gp
Coach, ornamented 7,000 gp Galleon 50,000 gp
Chariot -- Great galley 30,000 gp
Riding 200 gp Knarr 3,000 gp
War 500 gp Raft or small keelboat 100 gp
Longship 10,000 gp Sail 20 gp
Oar -- Sedan chair 100 gp
Common 2 gp Wagon or cart wheel 5 gp
Galley 10 gp
* Movement rates for this equipment are given in the DMG.

Boar 10 gp Bull 20 gp
Calf 5 gp Camel 50 gp
Capon 3 cp Cat 1 sp
Chicken 2 cp Cow 10 gp
Dog -- Donkey, mule, or ass 8 gp
Guard 25 gp Falcon (trained) 1,000 gp
Hunting 17 gp Goat 1 gp
War 20 gp Goose 5 cp
Elephant -- Guinea hen 2 cp
Labor 200 gp Hunting cat (jaguar, etc.) 5,000 gp
War 500 gp Ox 15 gp
Horse -- Partridge 5 cp
Draft 200 gp Peacock 5 sp
Heavy war 400 gp Pig 3 gp
Light war 150 gp Pigeon 1 cp
Medium war 225 gp Pigeon, homing 100 gp
Riding 75 gp Pony 30 gp
Ram 4 gp Sheep 2 gp
Songbird 10 sp Swan 5 sp

Tack and Harness
Barding -- -- Bit and bridle 15 sp 3 lbs.
Chain 500 gp 70 lbs. Cart harness 2 gp 10 lbs.
Full plate 2,000 gp 85 lbs. Halter 5 cp *
Full scale 1,000 gp 75 lbs. Horseshoes & shoeing 1 gp 10 lbs.
Half brigandine 500 gp 45 lbs. Saddle -- --
Half padded 100 gp 25 lbs. Pack 5 gp 15 lbs.
Half scale 500 gp 50 lbs. Riding 10 gp 35 lbs.
Leather or padded 150 gp 60 lbs. Yoke -- --
Saddle bags -- -- Horse 5 gp 15 lbs.
Large 4 gp 8 lbs. Ox 3 gp 20 lbs.
Small 3 gp 5 lbs.
Saddle blanket 3 sp 4 lbs.
* These items weigh little individually. Ten of these items weigh one pound.

Miscellaneous Equipment
Backpack 2 gp 2 lbs. Barrel, small 2 gp 30 lbs.
Basket -- -- Bell 1 gp --
Large 3 sp 1 lbs. Block and tackle 5 gp 5 lbs.
Small 5 cp * Bolt case 1 gp 1 lbs.
Belt pouch -- -- Bucket 5 sp 3 lbs.
Large 1 gp 1 lbs. Candle 1 cp *
Small 7 sp ½ lbs. Canvas (per sq. yard) 4 sp 1 lbs.
Chain (per ft.) -- -- Chalk 1 cp *
Heavy 4 gp 3 lbs. Crampons 4 gp 2 lbs.
Light 3 gp 1 lbs. Fishhook 1 sp **
Chest -- -- Fishing net, 10 ft. sq. 4 gp 5 lbs.
Large 2 gp 25 lbs. Flint and steel 5 sp *
Small 1 gp 10 lbs. Glass bottle 10 gp *
Cloth (per 10 sq. yds.) -- -- Grappling hook 8 sp 4 lbs.
Common 7 gp 10 lbs. Holy item (symbol, water, etc.) 25 gp *
Fine 50 gp 10 lbs. Hourglass 25 gp 1 lbs.
Rich 100 gp 10 lbs. Iron pot 5 sp 2 lbs.
Ladder, 10 ft. 5 cp 20 lbs. Magnifying glass 100 gp *
Lantern -- -- Map or scroll case 8 sp ½ lbs.
Beacon 150 gp 50 lbs. Merchant's scale 2 gp 1 lbs.
Bullseye 12 gp 3 lbs. Mirror, small metal 10 gp *
Hooded 7 gp 2 lbs. Musical instrument 5-100 gp ½-3 lbs.
Lock -- -- Paper (per sheet) 2 gp **
Good 100 gp 1 lbs. Papyrus (per sheet) 8 sp **
Poor 20 gp 1 lbs. Parchment (per sheet) 1 gp **
Oil (per flask) -- -- Perfume (per vial) 5 gp *
Greek fire 10 gp 2 lbs. Piton 3 cp ½ lbs.
Lamp 6 cp 1 lbs. Quiver 8 sp 1 lbs.
Rope (per 50 ft.) -- -- Sealing/candle wax (per lb.) 1 gp 1 lbs.
Hemp 1 gp 20 lbs. Sewing needle 5 sp* *
Silk 10 gp 8 lbs. Signal whistle 8 sp *
Sack -- -- Signet ring or personal seal 5 gp *
Large 2 sp ½ lbs. Soap (per lb.) 5 sp 1 lbs.
Small 5 cp * Thieves' picks 30 gp 1 lbs.
Spyglass 1,000 gp 1 lbs. Torch 1 cp 1 lbs.
Tent -- -- Water clock 1,000 gp 200 lbs.
Large 25 gp 20 lbs. Whetstone 2 cp 1 lbs.
Pavilion 100 gp 50 lbs. Wineskin 8 sp 1 lbs.
Small 5 gp 10 lbs. Winter blanket 5 sp 3 lbs.
Writing ink (per vial) 8 gp *
* These items weigh little individually. Ten of these items weigh one pound.
** These items have no appreciable weight and should not be considered for encumbrance unless hundreds are carried.

Armor *
Banded mail 200 gp 35 lbs. Brigandine 120 gp 35 lbs.
Bronze plate mail 400 gp 45 lbs. Chain mail 75 gp 40 lbs.
Field plate 2000 gp 60 lbs. Full plate 4,000-10,000 gp 70 lbs.
Helmet -- -- Hide 15 gp 30 lbs.
Great helm 30 gp 10 lbs. Leather 5 gp 15 lbs.
Basinet 8 gp 5 lbs. Padded 4 gp 10 lbs.
Plate mail 600 gp 50 lbs. Ring mail 100 gp 30 lbs.
Scale mail 120 gp 40 lbs. Splint mail 80 gp 40 lbs.
Shield -- -- Studded leather 20 gp 25 lbs.
Body 10 gp 15 lbs.
Buckler 1 gp 3 lbs.
Medium 7 gp 10 lbs.
Small 3 gp 5 lbs.
* See table 46 for the Armor Class ratings of various armor types.

Weight Speed Damage
Item Cost (lb.) Size Type6 Factor S-M L
Arquebus 3 500 gp 10 M P 15 1d10 1d10
Battle axe 5 gp 7 M S 7 1d8 1d8
Blowgun 5 gp 2 L -- 5 -- --
Barbed Dart 1 sp * S P -- 1d3 1d2
Needle 2 cp * S P -- 1 1
Bow -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Composite long 100 gp 3 L -- 7 -- --
Composite short 75 gp 2 M -- 6 -- --
Flight arrow 3sp/12 * S P -- 1d6 1d6
Long bow 75 gp 3 L -- 8 -- --
Sheaf arrow 3 sp/6 * S P -- 1d8 1d8
Short bow 30 gp 2 M -- 7 -- --
Club -- 3 M B 4 1d6 1d3
Crossbow -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Hand quarrel 1 gp * S P -- 1d3 1d2
Hand crossbow 300 gp 3 S -- 5 -- --
Heavy quarrel 2 sp * S P -- 1d4+1 1d6+1
Heavy crossbow 50 gp 14 M -- 10 -- --
Light quarrel 1 sp * S P -- 1d4 1d4
Light crossbow 35 gp 7 M -- 7 -- --
Dagger or dirk 2 gp 1 S P 2 1d4 1d3
Dart 5 sp ½ S P 2 1d3 1d2
Footman's flail 15 gp 15 M B 7 1d6+1 2d4
Footman's mace 8 gp 10 M B 7 1d6+1 1d6
Footman's pick 8 gp 6 M P 7 1d6+1 2d4
Hand or throwing axe 1 gp 5 M S 4 1d6 1d4
Harpoon 20 gp 6 L P 7 2d4 2d6
Horseman's flail 8 gp 5 M B 6 1d4+1 1d4+1
Horseman's mace 5 gp 6 M B 6 1d6 1d4
Horseman's pick 7 gp 4 M P 5 1d4+1 1d4
Javelin 5 sp 2 M P 4 1d6 1d6
Knife 5 sp ½ S P/S 2 1d3 1d2
Lance4 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Heavy horse lance 15 gp 15 L P 8 1d8+1 3d6
Light horse lance 6 gp 5 L P 6 1d6 1d8
Jousting lance 20 gp 20 L P 10 1d3-1 1d2-1
Med. horse lance 10 gp 10 L P 7 1d6+1 2d6
Mancatcher 2 30 gp 8 L -- 7 -- --
Morning star 10 gp 12 M B 7 2d4 1d6+1
Polearm -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Awl pike 5 5 gp 12 L P 13 1d6 1d12
Bardiche 7 gp 12 L S 9 2d4 2d6
Bec de corbin 8 gp 10 L P/B 9 1d8 1d6
Bill-guisarme 7 gp 15 L P/S 10 2d4 1d10
Fauchard 5 gp 7 L P/S 8 1d6 1d8
Fauchard-fork 8 gp 9 L P/S 8 1d8 1d10
Glaive 1 6 gp 8 L S 8 1d6 1d10
Glaive-guisarme 1 10 gp 10 L P/S 9 2d4 2d6
Guisarme 5 gp 8 L S 8 2d4 1d8
Guisarme-voulge 8 gp 15 L P/S 10 2d4 2d4
Halberd 10 gp 15 L P/S 9 1d10 2d6
Hook fauchard 10 gp 8 L P/S 9 1d4 1d4
Lucern hammer 5 7 gp 15 L P/B 9 2d4 1d6
Military fork 1 5 gp 7 L P 7 1d8 2d4
Partisan 5 10 gp 8 L P 9 1d6 1d6+1
Ranseur 5 6 gp 7 L P 8 2d4 2d4
Spetum 5 5 gp 7 L P 8 1d6+1 2d6
Voulge 5 gp 12 L S 10 2d4 2d4
Quarterstaff -- 4 L B 4 1d6 1d6
Scourge 1 gp 2 S -- 5 1d4 1d2
Sickle 6 sp 3 S S 4 1d4+1 1d4
Sling 5 cp. * S -- 6 -- --
Sling bullet 1 cp. ½ S B -- 1d4+1 1d6+1
Sling stone -- ½ S B -- 1d4 1d4
Spear 8 sp 5 M P 6 1d6 1d8
Staff sling 2 sp 2 M -- 11 -- --
Sword -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Bastard sword -- -- -- -- -- -- --
One-handed 25 gp 10 M S 6 1d8 1d12
Two-handed 25 gp 10 M S 8 2d4 2d8
Broad sword 10 gp 4 M S 5 2d4 1d6+1
Khopesh 10 gp 7 M S 9 2d4 1d6
Long sword 15 gp 4 M S 5 1d8 1d12
Scimitar 15 gp 4 M S 5 1d8 1d8
Short sword 10 gp 3 S P 3 1d6 1d8
Two-hand. sword 50 gp 15 L S 10 1d10 3d6
Trident 15 gp 5 L P 7 1d6+1 3d4
Warhammer 2 gp 6 M B 4 1d4+1 1d4
Whip 1 sp 2 M -- 8 1d2 1
1 This weapon inflicts double damage against charging creatures of L or greater size.
2 This weapon can dismount a rider on a successful hit.
3 This weapon available only if allowed by DM.
4 This weapon inflicts double damage when used from the back of a charging mount.
5 This weapon inflicts double damage when firmly set to receive a charge.
6 The "Type" category is divided into Bludgeoning (B), Piercing (P), and Slashing (S). This indicates the type of attack made, which may alter the weapon's effectiveness against different types of armor. See the optional Weapon Type vs. Armor rule in chapter 9.
* These items weigh little individually. Ten of these weigh one pound.

Remember to check the place where you are and to talk to the storekeeps for more items

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