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The World

****The world is a Home Brew of my own. It is based on AD&D 2nd Ed rules. The only main differences between AD&D rules and mine are monsters have d10, fan created items, monsters and spells. There are other things I am sure. Others will be added if needed.****
Please check back form time to time to see what is added.
Scroll all the way the past the map to read more about the world or Click Here.

Back Ground on Places that the Party has been to:
The land is Marow, a mostly Human land. The ruler is a King that lost his Queen a few years back during the plague that ran through the land. The land is peaceful, but uneasy. The King has never been the same after his wife died. He has one son that no one has seen since before the plague. [Click here to get the whole map of Marow](Up Dated: 9/14/01)

The land of Goodberries is ruled by Lady Hawk. She lost her husband during the time of the plague, but to a hunting accident. The left for a weekend of bear hunting with four men at arms, but he never returned alive. There was always a rumor hanging over the death that some one ambushed the Lord's hunting party and killed him in cold blood. Now her land is under attack for unknown people. She dose not go to the King in fear of losing her lands. (Up Dated: 8/17/01)

The land of Askain is ruled by Lord Silverfield. He is a strong man, who has turned to gathering power. He has become ruthless in he dealing with others. The King have done nothing about the Lord, it is unclear if he actually knows about it. The other neighboring lands are (underland), a dwarven community deep in the high peeks of the Red Dragon's Mountains. They keep to themselves, but are not unfriendly to adventures. There is an Adventures Guild where you can add to you party. (Up Dated: 2/8/02)

Located on the top of Goblin Mountains is the Sharpened Fang Clan's home, the village of Chan. They are ruled by three Goblins who all had their start in life in the Human world. They have each traveled and know a trade (fighter, cleric and thief). Dekduna is the main leader, she is wise and kind. The trio are trying to change the way of their Gobin Kin. They know the only way that they are going to survive in this world is to settle down and trade with the other races and try to maintain peace. The goblins are using the natural caves there to mine ore, a few gems and mushrooms. The caves lead to the underdark. Lately the normal underdark creatures have been restless and have been coming out on the surface. Dekduna is worried of what this could mean. (Up Dated: 2/8/08)

Skulex is a large sea port city that is were old. Their government, while they have a few royals and part of Marow, is a council. (Up Dated: 9/14/01)

Ah...The Carnival located where ever they drop their tents. Who can resist its sights and sounds? Well, not many with the help of spells cast upon it to entice people to enter. The acts range to feats of strength, clowns, animal acts, fortune teller and much much more. The carnival is at the Crossroads. (Up Dated: 9/3/01)

The Deadman's Hills are dead lands where no one goes on purpose. Vial creatures roam the land and attack anyone foolish enough to enter. Hidden in the sands is the ruins of a temple of a long forgotten religion. What treasures lie there? Many have died trying to find out. (Up Dated: 8/22/01)

The Underdark is a great place, if you are from there. For anyone else it is a place of....death. (Up Dated: 8/14/01)

Delxtrog is a large human ruled nation to the West of Marow. The land has a large population of Dwarves. (Up Dated: 9/14/01)

The Gates are portals to other plans of reality where anything can be found. Creatures crossing the gates can find themselves affected
by the alternet reality as well. The portals are circles of stone with carvings of a long dead langue on them. The portals seem to have a mind of their own as they open and close at any time and not always the same place. Many races has sought to destroy them in fear of the demon hords that came through 100 years ago. Unable to destroy the gates, many were sealled with powerful magic and behind tons of rock. Though there are a few that can befound un gaurded, but are presumed dead since they have not opened in a few hundred years. There is a very well know gate, known as Hell's Gate, in the fortress capital of Chryscope, the city of the dead. (Up Dated: 2/8/02)

More to come as the Party moves about the world.... *Hint hint* Players, you can move about to your hearts content. It wouldn't be a problem to expand the area's map. All of the PCs are high level and have their own ideas on what they want to do. [Plus the more the PCs move about the more the world will be flushed out ;) ]

(since 8/15/01)