Doggie Style - Bio

Real Name: Brian James

Age: 29

Birthday: May 20, 1970

Hometown: Marietta, GA

Height: 6'2"

Weight: 236 lbs.

Relatives: Bullet Bob Armstrong - Father; Brad, Scott, & Steve Armstrong - brothers

Previous Names & Stables in the WWF: The Roadie; The Real Double J; New Age Outlaws (with Bad Ass Billy Gunn); Degeneration X (with HHH, Chyna, Billy Gunn, & X-Pac); Degeneration X (with HHH, Billy Gunn, & X-Pac); Degeneration X (with Billy Gunn & X-Pac); Degeneration X (with X-Pac)

Titles Held: Tag Team Championship (3 times with Billy Gunn); Hardcore Championship; Intercontinenal Championship

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Road Dogg's Bio
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Wrestler's I've Adopted
Sizzlin Stud of the Week

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