Introduction - Like it previous counterparts, Revolution Dream: Complete Nemesis take place on the fantasy world of 'Revolution'. Peace have resumed after the end of the last war, and everyone in 'Revolution' were happy.....almost everyone..... Despite that 'Revolution' most fearsome enemy; the Unknown Force, an almost invincible soldier actually, vanished during the last war, it was rumoured that its descendents were still alive. No serious actions were taken to exterminate the Unknown Force's family line as no threats arouse. Decades soon passed smoothly in 'Revolution' but all these came to a stop when a young man who declared himself as a true descendent of the Unknown Force formed an underworld clan of Unknown Force's descendents, creating riots and trouble to the surface world of 'Revolution'. The young man, known as the 'Son of the Force' have extremely powerful skills which even the police and army of 'Revolution' couldn't match his skills. The defence force of 'Revolution' were helpless against 'Son of the Force' and his underworld clan easily overtook various cities overnight. With no other choice left (desperate), the governments of various surviving states that are not suppress by 'Son of the Force' had a meeting and decided to search and recruit people with extraordinary skills to fight against 'Son of the Force' and his clan. The new organization called RD Union was thus formed. So, want to save the world of 'Revolution'? Act now and Sign up before it is too late! |