Dear Readers, Surfers, Travelers,
Here are some of the seminal ideas that were released by my mental bank from high school years onwards. ........Bro. Erle
Flying Car. I designed, during the conference for high school students sponsored in 1975 by the National Science Development Board or NSDB, a flying car that was to be fueled by nuclear power and which employed levitation technology. [Note that levitation technology was not developed by any country till the late 1980s when it came out as experimental technology for Japan's bullet trains.] It was cited as the most radically powerful idea during that conference. Unfortunately, there was no incentive for me to do research & development of this nature in my home country, and so the idea has to remain just that: an idea. Beginning in the early 1990s I received news of the same idea being developed by an engineer in California, and I am proud for this design engineer, and I truly admire him for his boldness and ingenuity. He is very lucky for having received the proper resources to conduct research & development.
Libertosophy. As mentioned in my brief biodata, I was instrumental in synthesizing this pilosophy. Libertosophy embraces all those sensitive souls who want to make a real sense in their spiritual lives, but who are not keen on being part of church groups. Church groups tend to mass produce spiritual lessons, and are meant largely for souls of low levels of evolution (faith-driven, or devotional). There are many contemplatives and freethinkers among us today who find institutional paths to spirituality as toxic and deleterious to further spiritual development, and seek for the more individualized lessons or those that will allow them direct contact and relationship with 'inner guides' and cosmic hierarchs. On the other hand, these souls find another poison in atheism, which denies the possible existence of other realms of reality, and are not in any way predisposed to accepting atheistic creeds of various types precisely because they induce soul stagnation. And so such souls search for alternative, individualized, non-church paths to spirituality.
Torque energy. In due time, renewable energy sources shall dominate and replace fossil fuels. Couples of such energy sources have already reached developmental maturation, such as wind power and solar panels, even as new ones such as fuel cells are emerging. Electrolysis may become a highly providential process for us all around the years 2020 and beyond. Maybe later, photosynthesis will join the roster. I would be daring in this respect to declare that the earth's torque can be tapped as a very viable, cheap source of energy for household and commercial purposes. The thing to consider is that the earth keeps on turning, and for as long as it turns there shall be torque of infinite levels--and, necessarily, energy source of infinite quantities. I am inviting fellow travelers and gurus who are into science research to configure the wherefores of this energy source, at this very moment when the most radical ideas can be pursued with greater freedom in the world's most dynamic regions.
Post-Church Age. Institutions are imploding, and everyday in our lives we see institutions crumble like unto collapsing edifices. People simply find behavior or 'discourse' dictated through institutional terms as highly nauseating and suffocating. And so gradually people replace institutions with more indidualized, and hopefully conscience-driven kind of actions. On the spiritual plane we are now witnessing millions and millions of more souls leaving and staying out of churches, seeking direct linkages to their 'inner voice' or the silent voice of the 'god within'. This development is a most welcome news for mankind. I am one among those who forecast a future of post-church spiritual age, and this will come in less than three hundred years time. The religious fundamentalisms that have unfolded are the attempts of some predatory forces to take on the last steps at further controlling people's thoughts and actions, by bringing them back to the low level of institutionalized, herd-inducing, emotionalistic (non-thinking), idiotizing methods of 'attainment'. The triumph of fundamentalism is only be temporary. Churches will crumble in due time. However, I am not wont to be identified among so-called 'new age' groups, which have appropriated eastern philosophies for commercializing, profiteering purposes.
Union of Mahabenggara. Benggara or tenggara is an Indonesian word for southeast. I coined the term mahabenggara to mean the Greater Southeast. I have elaborated in the book 13th Gate the idea of a politically unified Southeast Asia, which shall happen some couples of decades from now. Benggara continues to be the most dynamic economic region of the world, amid the threats posed on its developmental path predatory forces from the North. The only way to navigate turbulent waters and survive the attacks of predatory forces is the path of political integration. The Philippines, Vietnam, and Indonesia will evolve as the most powerful nations of this union. In fact, they have begun to exhibit such potentialities in the region. The early coalitioning of these three nations can catalyze such a unification, added to an X-factor--probably wars with neighboring powers--that could likewise accelerate integration.
Racial Somnambulism. In my essay "On the Somnambulism of the Filipino" (see Testamant of National Grandeur), I developed the most original idea I have developed so far: the possibility of racial somnambulism. I refer to racial somnambulism as a collective sleep, whereby a people fails to recognize its collective identity, flounder in recognizing its sense of purpose, and is disable from fulfilling its collective mission in the world-at-large. The Filipino, to my mind, fell into such a state during the past century. It is good that nationalism has been re-cultivated in the country around the 1960s, and the pay-offs of the re-cultivation have begun to bear positive fruits. There is right now a critical mass of islanders who have developed a strong sense of nationalism, so that it is now possible to see that somnambulism will be a bygone around the end of this decade or maybe the next decade. Higher levels of cooperation are now possible among the various ethnic/racial peoples of the island, leading to the transcendence of tribalism and the emergence of a regionally powerful nation-state republic which can possibly ascent to global power status past the 2060s.
