If you can't annoy somebody, there's little point in writing. ![]() EDITOR COMMENTS CONTAIN HARSH LANGUAGE AND A HEAVY DOSE OF REALITY!
Intro: Nope. It was a musician who felt free to insult my intelligence AND waste my time by sending me a political manifesto! We reviewed his CD a few issues ago, but I seriously doubt he's read anything else in EAR CANDY! I'll let you decide for yourself, as I will print the contents of his letter (minus the link that he added). And of course I have my own comments added during the course of his ramblings. I might sound a little acerbic, but in the immortal words of Nick Lowe, you've gotta be "cruel to be kind".
O.K., we are already off on the wrong foot here. YOU got "a moment" of my time and now it is payback time in spades.
You can be the poster child for a new affliction - "cluelessfuckidis", a sad and degenerative disease that seems to be predominately reserved for musicians. The tell-tale signs of this include: a rambling, pessimistic view of the world, marked by outlandish claims derived by questionable sources, frequent contradiction and the overall narcissistic view that the rest of the world gives a damn!
"Scary" huh? Funny, but I don't feel scared in the least. But then again, I'm a man, not a whining little boy. "Divisive"? Well, probably not as much as you've imagined. Sounds like you have fallen for the media scare tactics. Does Area 51 scare you as well?
Thus is the nature of politics. If it "depresses and overwhelms" you, then take some fucking Prozac and shut the fuck up.
Uh oh, now we have delusions of grandeur! I feel so blessed that you are such a self-anointed profit that can see what us mere mortals cannot possibly comprehend. You can practically see the halo-like aura surrounding Mr. Huffman as he proclaims these "truths". And of course we get more apocalyptic ratings.
How do I respond to all of these "claims"? Simple – I’m gonna let the U.S. citizens decide by voting in November. If, and only if, all these things are true - then there will be a change in power. There are a few things that you left out Kris, like:
The explosion of the Space shuttle was entirely because it was overloaded with oil that Bush had "stolen" from the moon and was bringing back to earth.
Here we go again, more saving-the-world-if-you-listen-to-me crapola. He's starting to sound like some crazed fucking hippie info-mercial. "Hurry, if you call within the next 30 minutes you will receive a free "save the world" hemp wristband! Show your solidarity!" You wanna save the world? Why don’t you be more useful and save some fucking stamps instead? Or better yet, save your breath.
Ahh, a perfect example of those that fall through the cracks in our educational system. "Stolen" election? Can somebody send this clueless fuck a web link to a copy of the U.S. Constitution? He needs a quick refresher course in basic high school political theory.
Well, I agree with you here, your "voice" will be your vote. And November will decide.
Sorry, my conscience doesn't allow me to perpetrate untruths. Besides, anything with "manifesto" in the title reeks of socialism. It's written with specific hints for musicians to add easy practical things to their agenda, but it can easily be extrapolated into a variety of suggestions for any artsy sophisticated fun sardonicconcerned music-loving person - people like YOU and ME - who loves our country, AND the world, and want to see them in a productive loving peace with one another. It's NOT impossible. It's SIMPLE! And Damian will give you a few tips on how to achieve it. So read this - you won't be bored. And then you can discard it. Or think about it. Or forward it. Or do what I'm doing with it - Use it as an excuse to remind everyone that we CAN get the fuck out there and make a difference! Love - which, mixed with a petite soupcon of action - can STILL save the world, Kristian Well, Krissy, for someone who "loves our country" you sure come off sounding like a hate-filled lunatic. I'm sure that you truly believe all the things that you espoused in your letter. But then again, Hitler truly believed he was right. I do thank you for your letter as it does point out that there are some seriously deranged individuals out there! And it was entertaining in a sad kind of way. I truly hope your music is more entertaining than your thought processes. But, don't bother sending another CD for review...I'm still a little miffed at you for wasting my time like this.
Ronnie P.S. What is the lesson learned today class? Don't send EAR CANDY spam of any kind! Or I'll tear you a new one. Now, let's get back to the MUSIC shall we?