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Pleasant Unpleasant



Pleasant events indicate resource utilization. Unpleasant events indicate resource waste.

Eco-Logic is a powerful tool to discover nature. I have used it successfully and wish to share it with you.

Nature is logically designed and we can harness it better by understanding this design.

The most important lesson that will be useful is:

  • Silent or pleasant events indicate resource utilization, and unpleasant events indicate waste of resources.

It is necessary to start applying this lesson in everyday life and identify leakages of our valuable resources...

Let me expand a bit.

Glass pieces on the road hurt us. This unpleasant event indicates waste of a resource. The same glass in a recycling bin is a path towards resource recovery.

Black and toxic exhaust from our vehicles implies waste of fuel.

Building a tall chimney for a furnace might disperse the pollutants but this is only the NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard) approach. The pollutants come back to us through toxic rain.

Indicators of optimum resource utilization are silent or pleasant - silent when the resource utilization is at its best, and pleasant when there is a need to warn us of a possible waste which was prevented through timely action. A pleasant event, thus, is an award for the timely action.

Indicators of waste are unpleasant. Color is towards black or red. Smell is unpleasant. Taste is unpleasant. Most poisons are bitter and we are sensitive to this taste. Poison production in nature is a warning that resources are being wasted. It is a final warning - one that may result in death.

Nature is logically designed and even modern man cannot do a better job.

We add mercaptans (to give a repulsive garbage-like smell) to our cooking gas (which has no smell of it's own) to serve as a leakage warning signal.

This Eco-Logic has greatly helped me gain a wealth of knowledge that is not present in the latest literature. It is a powerful way to read nature.

Bright colored insects, fungi, frogs, snakes, fish, and so on indicate waste of resources. These creatures have toxin-like substances and could be eaten only by specific predators that have the machinery to manage them.

In addition to color, smell and taste, another attribute that appeals to our senses is texture. Rough texture is unpleasant and signals waste of resources.

There is one more sensory organ -- the ear.

The absence of sound is peaceful. Consonance and silence indicate control, while dissonance acts as a fire alarm; one that cannot be taken musically.

While one can be proud about having mango trees with cuckoos singing sweetly in the spring, it is not so about the crows which signal us of wasted resources.

The popping sounds one hears when corn is popped come from mini-explosions due to nitrates present in the specific variety of corn. Nitrates are used in explosives for the same purpose.

The popping explosions warn us about the nitrates. These are bad for our health. Popping removes most of the nitrates.

Our conventional practices are eco-logical, too!


Dr. Uday S. Bhawalkar



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Last modified: December 28, 2000