
    Ed, Edd n Eddy is created/directed by Danny Antonucci at a.k.a. Cartoon Inc. in Vancouver, British Columbia (not to be confused with Vancouver, Washington). Ed, Edd n Eddy is owned by a.k.a. CARTOON Inc., and is currently running on Cartoon Network in some parts of the world. The show is copyrighted since January 4, 1999 (Other countries than the US - March 4, 1999).

    Pictures used throughout the Ed, Edd n Eddy DreamSite are borrowed, courtesy used from the Cartoon Network sites (internationally) and from Kit's Eddzone. Again (from the intro), lots of special "thank you"s to them. The Ed, Edd n Eddy DreamSite banner (the banner at the top) is created by me, with Tripod's animation-maker. Most of the GIFs used are from Planet GIF, and some of my friends sent me some GIFs from other sites (thanks to them and the sites who might have them).

    The Ed, Edd n Eddy DreamSite was created without permission, but this site is a fan site to and for other fans of Ed, Edd n Eddy. No direct "hate" is meant to Ed, Edd n Eddy and a.k.a. CARTOON Inc.

    The Ed, Edd n Eddy DreamSite, Talk To An Ed Forum (originally "Dreamy Eds'"), Eds' SlamBook! and Eds' DreamBook are from my idea, and any similarities between them are coincidential.

    The Ed, Edd n Eddy DreamSite was "originally" named/created on September 2, 2001, and was a relocation of my other Ed, Edd n Eddy site (no particular name), which was created on August 5, 2001. In addition from a fairly old club from Lycos ("Club Edd") which was first made in April 2001.

I hope I didn't miss anything. If I did, EDmail me, please. Thanks.