Until further notice, the Hancock County, Georgia books will
be reduced by 40% to members of the Association or anyone
who purchases all 4 books.
Brantley Census Book 1790-1840
& Computer File References 100 pages = $12.00 ea * ($9.50 members)
Census Data taken from the US census records. In addition to families from
published indexes, line by line research.
The Records of the Church
of Williams Creek 1787 - 1840 (Hardbound) = $28.50 * ($25.75
members) + $3.00 shipping and handling Published
in 1996 the Book is the reconstructed records of this Church of Warren
County GA where many Brantleys settled.
Kentucky James Genealogy
Collection = $15.00 + $3.00 shipping and handling Collection
presently consist of 150 + family Group Sheets, only limited history is
included at this time.