Lair of the Unidragon, Page One
This is an interactive "Choose-Your-Own-Adventure" (©Bantam Books, Edward Packard, yada yada yada) type story that I originally wrote several years ago. I have now been trying--and failing, because of various equipment and software problems, to make it into a playable text-based computer game. What you are reading here, the HTML version, is something like my ninth or tenth try. But THIS time, it works.
About the Story/Game Itself:
You play an antihero named Questor Hyrule (yes, I DID get that last name from the "Legend of Zelda" (©Nintendo, Inc.) videogames, before you ask.) who is a rather cynical and sarcastic mercenary and he is, except for the name, my own character.
Structure: This game is a quest, as you will soon see. It only has one ending in which you win--and also only one ending in which you even LIVE. All and I mean ALL the other endings, the ones where you don't win, will be deaths. There is only one path through, and once you find it, you can easily go back off without even noticing until it's too late. And you sometimes have to do things in the correct ORDER to proceed, so you'll probably have to play several times to win. Well, it wouldn't be any FUN if it was EASY...
Rating: This game contains some violence, but nothing dirty at all, except for ONE mild swear word. I'd rate it at about PG. If you're a really young kid, don't read it, otherwise, you should be fine.
And now, on to our story!
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HEY, COOL! As of March 16, 1999, this page was featured on the CENTER FOR THE EASILY AMUSED's Sites That Do Stuff! The Centre is now, sadly, dead (sniff...may it rest in peace) but it was a big honour at the TIME, so, I'm leaving this notice up here anyway.
E-mail me and tell me what you thought of the game!
adventuresome (as in, "not terribly bright) questors have been here since February 15, 1999. Of course, they all died in numerous horrible ways, but hey...