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On this page Energetic Kennedy correspondent Video Des reviews the latest films, and also classic films from the past which you really ought to see.

It's Video Des!

"Hi I'm Video Des! I used to be in a band - you may recognise me - and I also worked in a library.

This month I am going to review the film....


This film really is fantastic. It may not be well known but it is a great comedy and you must see it if you get the chance. It stars Richard E Grant as Withnail and Paul McGann as Marwood, two out-of-work actors at the end of the Sixties. They live in squalor and spend their time moaning and drinking (Richard E Grant in particular, as Withnail, spends about 90% of the film completely pissed). To get away for a while they decide to go for a holiday in the country, courtesy of Withnail's uncle Monty (played by that bloke off Pie In The Sky, can't remember his name). That, basically, is the plot. It's better than it sounds, believe me. One particular feature of the film is it's immense quotable-ness, and for your benefit Energetic Kennedy has decided to provide you with a few of the best:

"We want the finest wines available to humanity. We want them here and we want them now." WITHNAIL

"I demand to have some booze!" WITHNAIL

"As a youth, I used to weep in butcher shops." UNCLE MONTY

"You mean to tell me you've come up here in all this beastly mud and oomska without wellingtons?" UNCLE MONTY

"You can shove it up your arse for nothing and fuck off while you're doing it." WITHNAIL

"My thumbs have gone weird!" MARWOOD

"Accident black spot? These aren't accidents! They're throwing themselves into the road gladly! Throwing themselves into the road to escape all this hideousness!" WITHNAIL

"Monty you terrible cunt!" WITHNAIL

"A coward you are Withnail! An expert on bulls you are not." MARWOOD

"I'm a trained actor reduced to the status of a bum!" WITHNAIL

"Scrubbers!!!!" WITHNAIL

"We've come on holiday by mistake". WITHNAIL

"I mean to have you, even if it must be burglary." UNCLE MONTY

"Are you the farmer?" "Stop saying that Withnail! Of course he's the fucking farmer!" WITHNAIL & MARWOOD

"Don't threaten me with a dead fish." WITHNAIL

"I assure you officer, I have only had a few ales." WITHNAIL

"Monty, I am not homosexual." "Yes you are, of course you are!" MARWOOD & UNCLE MONTY

"Eat it?! Fucker's alive." WITHNAIL

As well as all the fantastic quotes (and there are other brilliant ones that we just can't remember) the film also has a great soundtrack, with Voodoo Chile, All Along The Watchtower and While my Guitar Gently Weeps being just a few of musical treats in store for the viewer.

Watching this film will also enable you to reach the inevitable conclusion that Richard E. Grant is a far cooler customer than most other actors, for example Jack Nicholson.

We hope that these quotes and information will a) enable you to have these immensly cool quotes at your disposal and b) inspire you to see this fantastic film.

by Video Des