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Comedy Section
Energetic Kennedy Page

Comedy is vital. Let's say no more about it.


With the creation of the fantastic Judas Bradley website, comedy will no longer be appearing on Energetic Kennedy.

It's sad. Cheer up though, because if you follow the link below you will find a feast of comedy before your very eyes:

This month the following features can be found at Judas Bradley.......

MORRISSEY INVESTIGATES - Ex-The Smiths frontman Morrissey investigates has-been comedians. Jim Bowen, Jimmy Saville, Bobby Davro - comedy in itself.

CROSSTOWN GUBBA - Rumoured relative of BBC commentator Tony Gubba investigates society.

WORSE THINGS HAPPEN AT SEA - Your cat's just died? Don't worry! Worse things happen at sea!

CORGI-MAN - We delve into the low-security man.

SHAKESPEARE WATCH - It's self-explanatory really.

OVERWHELMING MONKEY - Who has he overwhelmed this month?

TEAMASTER - Shows the tricks of his trade.

HOW TO...... - This month find out how to intimidate animals.

FLAMING PIGEONS - Don't you just hate pigeons? Find out the truth about these feathery....blighters.