1)Eastside O'Halligan and the oddshaped squirrel 2)Adjacent McSeaside and the O'Sowise mucus that lived in the underworld of micklemacklemoff 3)Tallyho McSauseberry and the horse that wouldnt go 4)Sillyface Straighthair and the invincible doghnut whoo hitchhiked with a tree 5)Poopypants O'Lookatthat and the sleep deprived table leg 6)Dear O'Dear and the full stop who nurtured a banana with an anger problem 7)North'nsouth McMushroom soup and the lapel who swam 8)Burninglog McOverthere? and the tale of the tail 9)Bunjycord O'nicnacpaddywhackgiveadogabone and the oversized ostrich 10)Blackbumbulldog the IV and the restless sleeping bag called chapter two 11)Sam McCaptianplanethe'sourherogonnatakepoloutiondowntojero and the lengthy story of some other stuff 12)Niggabitch McYOUWANNAGOCUNT? and the ganster mutafuckaz who roamed the street singing chrismas carols 13)Bob Brown and the penguin 14)Scoobysnack O'Pork, who gacefully scaled the onion 15)Frank O'Singasongofsixpence and the bargraph of destiny (Series 7 final)