1)Lookout! O'789 and the blossom child of the 5th cluttered bathroom 2)Canadian George and the staplesuyrp 3)Me Toooooo McCrotchsniff and th coke lid who couldnt stop solving equasions 4)Random O'Randy and the horney snoflake 5)Falcon Farming Franks Far Fetched fable for fishing faraway 6)Spoofcat McGram and the monkey named joe 7)Old Man Michigan and the giant sized spud train called zac 8)Current O'Carishmah and the hyped up machine gun from hell 9)Deeble O'Double and the infertile lab coat 10)Fragle McSpork and the untarnished gumboot 11)Mangus McLeghorn and the imaginary turkey roasting kit To be finished when i can be bothered |