Radiskull & Devil Doll: Radiskull Hates Christmas
Raise The Dead 1-4 (Both Covers for 1 and 2)
Raise The Dead II 1 of 4
Ralph Snart Adventures, Volume 3: 2
Realm Of Kings
R.E.B.E.L.S 0, 2(Lobo)
R.E.B.E.L.S., Volume 2 20, 21 (Lobo)
Reign In Hell 1-8 (Lobo returns on #4)
The Ren & Stimpy Show 6 (Spider-Man)
The Ren & Stimpy Show Special: Four Swerks
Requiem for Dracula
Resurrection Man 1
Return of the Living Deadpool 1-4
Revolutionary War: Alpha (1)
Revolutionary War: Dark Angel (2)
Revolutionary War: Death's Head II (4)
Revolutionary War: Knights Of Pendragon (3)
Revolutionary War: Motormouth (6)
Revolutionary War: Omega (8)
Revolutionary War: Super Soldiers (5)
Revolutionary War: Warheads (7)
Rex, Zombie Killer
Rise of Apocalypse 1
Robin Annual 2
Rocket Raccoon 1-3
Rocket Raccoon (2014) 1
Rocky Horror Picture Show 1-3
Rocky Horror Picture Show Compilation
Route 666 1
Rune, Volume 1: 0, 1-9
Rune, Volume 2: 1-7
Rune Diamond Ashcan
Rune: Hearts of Darkness 1-3
Rune Infinity
Rune/ Silver Surfer
Rune vs. Venom