There were a few Savage Dragon related toys that came out by a couple different companies.  Hopefully, in the not too distant future, a wise man will recognize the potential of this series and make a toy series so grand in size (Vicious Circle, anyone?), it will rival Star Wars!  *Keep dreaming...*


There were five Dragon action figures that came out from Playmates, those fine folks who gave us such great toys as TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES, STAR TREK, TUROK, and countless others.  Here are the five figures, complete with pics (some), info on the comic that was included, and other little tidder bitters.  Enjoy

 Police Officer Dragon

 Battle Damaged Dragon


 She-Dragon (2 versions)


McFarlane Toys released a Superpatriot toy in 1996, which was pretty damn good.  There was the original version, and an SOS repaint.  Hopefully, Toddy boy will wise up and, BEG Erik Larsen to make more.



There have been a few odd and end type statuettes/pewters/etc... of Savage Dragon and Co. that just have no where else to be fit in.  So here they are.

Savage Dragon Statue A sculpture of the Savage Dragon by Clayburn Moore.

Savage Dragon Pewter A pewter figure of the Dragon.

*Playmates Go here and bug these guys to put out some GREAT Dragon figures (which is highly doubtful)

*McFarlane Toys Toddy puts out some great toys.  Let's see if he'll ever get his head out of his ass and make some Savage Dragon toys!  Just imagine the waves of tripped out Super Freaks that will come out from these guys.

*Moore Creations *crosses fingers*  rumors are flying around about talk of a Dragon line from these guys.  Let's keep faith...

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