Ok...starting with the left hand column in "My Home>Public profile.
Username: What you selected at registration.
First name: You can either leave it private by checking the box or uncheck the box to share with everyone.
Same with Last name and year of birth.
Location: Where you live..State or Country is fine
Occupation: Either job, or a sahm. Or leave blank.
Hobbies: Things you like to do for fun and enjoyment.
Now for the middle column!
Personal Photo Url: This is where you put the url for a picture of yourself, or your children. Only put the web address in, do not use any code in this box. :) Be sure and check the box. Any picture sized over 200x200 before its uploaded will not work on ezboards personal photo any longer.

Your personal bio: Self explanatory.

Show recent postings: Check this if you want it to keep a log of all the posts you made recently in your profile. If you want them not listed...leave it unchecked.

Last column
Email address: Check the box if you want it to be visible. If you want it kept private then uncheck the box.
Instant Messenging: If you have any of the names in the drop down box...list your usernames on them. Fill the name in, on the blank spot beneath them.

Personal Link: If you have a website address fill it in here. If you leave it blank, when someone clicks on your profile, they will just get a blank browser screen window. :)

Now click on the Save Changes button. It will bring you back to your control center.