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My family and I

I absolutely Adore my family


I've learned so much from my parents and they are like role-models to me, they really are! I look back and observe their lives and how it affected mine and it just makes me love them more and more...
I wish I could be a better daughter. heh.
My parents have so many characteristics I want in myself (of course there are some I DON'T want!) hehehe.
But I do see a lot of my parents in myself! haha.
My dad is like one of the most random people I know and he's so absent-minded but is constantly thinking and sometimes this results in headaches *hint*hint*  My daddy is easily amused *again, hint-hint*. I love my daddy and he's good at a lot of things even if he doesn't show it.  He's shy with certain people and likes to fish *like me!*.  He's musical but has had to give it up...many instruments. Um...What else? He's just wonderful. (and maybe too agreeable sometimes...and then...stubborn...) Every time I lose something he tells me to just leave it be and not get myself worked-up over it because I'll find it later.  er.....We like to race against each other, it's funny. I've gotta hand it to him...even though he's a terrible multi-tasker, he can carry two conversations at once! I sorta can...but not quite as good at it as my daddy =P. 
My mom...I see her like every day and I wuv her even if we do argue a lot.  We're both stubborn. I love my mommy, lol.  She is always telling me stories about people in her life, and stories about her while she was growing up and stuff.  She says I'm one of the best things that happened to her, yay! I feel so special.  We're pretty close, even if I don't really tell her much. We differ in a lot of ways...she can't draw worth anything...and can't play Any instrument...but she can sing, yay!  She Loves to run around and play sports, she loves to have fun and to jump around, it's so cute.  That must be where I get my energy from...I get my "athletic" genes from my daddy and my energy from my mommy! lol. hahahaha. My mom's taught me so much...like to never let people run over you, to be proud of who you are and what you can do, to always be generous to people even if they can be mean...and so much more! I LOVE YOU MOM!

I could talk about my family all day...
They've always been there for me and even though sometimes we argue over stupid stuff and think each other morons when we're mad...it's all good! A typical kid, it's my job to make their life hard...and as parents, it's their job to make my life miserable (just kidding! but it sure feels like it!) So yea...I LOVE MY FAMILY.

'Kay. That's me when I just turned 1 yrs old
Chasing my dad up a tree. Rawr

My mom and I
Sitting in the mouth of a Hippo Statue?

Mom and I
i was like...uh...3?4?

Hey Look!
It's my DAD! a long time ago...and that's a sea cucumber
