--->Funhouse Video Arcade
These first few are my own creations...hope you enjoy!
Are You Written In the Stars?
So they say some people are born to be together and others, well, are not. Want to know how to tell? Just check out this page.
Desktop Themes
So, it's not really a game... it's better! What's better than all Savage Garden, all the time?
My Fairy Tale
Exactly what it says... pick a fairy tale, fill in the blanks, and then it creates your very own custom fairy tale...
The Picture's Coming Back Now Baby
A classic mind game gone Savage. Scramble the picture of Daz and Dan, then just try to put them back together! It's harder than it looks...
Save Darren from the Aliens!
Oh no! Aliens from another galaxy have invaded our planet and have decided to abduct Darren!! How can this be happening?! Only you can save him from abduction... The fate of millions of Savage Garden fans and Darksiders rests in your all-powerful hands!
Sway Your Mind
Think you could remember SG where you saw them? A savage little twist on our old friend, the game of Concentration....
A Thousand Words
Enjoy a game of Hangman-- today's topic is Savage Garden!
Ami's Savaged Lyrics Challenge (Ami's Savage Garden Universe)
And you think you know the lyrics to all the Savage Garden songs backwards and forwards? Here's the way to be sure.
Bad Hair Day (by bug_face_uk @ Blitzcoder)
For being subtitled as an "entry for the 'Stupidest Game' competition," this is pretty funny. Bounce 100 Darren fans to safety! You must have Windows 2000 or later, download it, and unzip it with WinZip.
The Dressdoll (A Cosmopolitan Savage Garden)
You know that when you were a little kid, you loved to play with paper dolls, admit it. Well, here's a flashback...with a savage little twist.
Galia's SG Quotes Game
Here's some vintage fun! A random quote will appear, then match it with the SG member who said it. This puppy keeps track of hits, misses, and points. You must download it and unzip it with WinZip.
Kiss Darren and Daniel
I thought I was gonna die laughing when I first saw this. If you've ever wanted a kiss from Darren or Daniel, your chance is just a click away! [Kiss Darren - Kiss Daniel]
Marry Darren and Daniel
So now that you've shared a virtual kiss, how about a virtual marriage? *grin* What's next...
This page doesn't exist without your help! If you'd like to add your Savage Garden-related game to this page, e-mail us with the address (URL) at fireinsidetheman@hotmail.com.

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