--->Welcome to SavageGardenLoverLand
The only cybercity in the universe dedicated to the best band in the world... Savage Garden
Click on a place on our map to visit! A bit lost? Get a tour guide...
Founded January 1998
Mayor Ginger
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Savage Garden Garage Sale
Hey, I'm selling some stuff from my SG collection! Click the link above to take a look at what I've got available. Thanks!
(If you've got questions, or want to make an offer for something I'm selling, don't hesitate to email me!)

Support Savage Garden
If you like my site, please take a second to vote for me by clicking the little button towards the left. Thanks! To support the guys in other ways, check out the following important links...
Official Savage Garden Site::Savage Garden Request Line::SG Fans United Against MTV
Official Darren Hayes Site::Darren Hayes BBS::Darren Hayes Street Team
airport::city hall::museum::music lessons::radio station::cannonball records::cc university::shopping centre::video arcade
What's Updated::April 1, 2004
Hey! The SavageGardenLoverLand map was created on Maxis's computer game Sim City 2000. The creator does not claim any copyrighted material on this website as her own.
However, I request that you do not take anything from my site without my permission, thanks.
This site looks best with graphics & frames turned on, 800x600 pixel screen, Internet Explorer 5.5, with Verdana font.