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 Escape From Monkey Island-Characters 



GUYBRUSH THREEPWOOD - The hero of the game. As per usual, Guybrush was bumbling, inept and naive, but blessed with the kind of extraordinary luck and cartoon physiology that allowed him to be shot out of a pirate cannon, spend hours underwater without running out of air, and undergo all manner of extreme pain without so much as a squeak of explanation. One of the great computer heroes of our time. 


GOVERNOR ELAINE MARLEY - Elaine Marley was an ex-pirate herself who'd made good and become the fair and just ruler of Mêlée Island (Guybrush's home). Like any woman given just a smidgen of power she was, of course, an icy cold bitch. Eventually however, Guybrush won her heart (mainly by saving her from becoming LeChuck's wife) and the two lived happily ever after - until the sequel that is, when it was revealed that the pair had split and hadn't seen each other in ages. Of course, in Monkey 4, differences have been ironed out and the two are happily married.


LECHUCK - The evil Ghost Pirate LeChuck was both a ghost and, er, a pirate. Commanding a fearsome crew of the undead (I say fearsome - they were more like the underworld equivalent of Dad's Army), LeChuck had originally set out to conquer Mêlée Island and marry Governor Elaine Marley, before Guybrush stumbled in his way. For the sequel, LeChuck plotted his revenge and was only prevented by Guybrush overcoming the power of 'Big Whoop'. 


CHARLES L. CHARLES Ally to Ozzie Mandrill, Charles L. Charles (LeChuck) went head-to-head with Elaine for the rule of the Tri-Island Area. He had declared Ms Marley dead and ordered the destruction of the Marley-Threepwood mansion before undertaking his unsavoury duties on Mêlée. Pre-election promises included free grog for one and all it was neer likely to happen. 


TONY DIBOULDA Employed by Mr. Charles to destroy the Marley Mansion with a catapult no less. 


IGNATIUS CHEESE Owner of the Scumm Bar and a keen participant in Insult Arm-Wrestling. Ignatius made up one third of Guybrushs crew for Lucre Island, and was evidently the most knowledgeable of the three volunteers. 


GEORGE AND NED The best darts players the Scumm Bars ever seen probably. 


SCUMM BARKEEPER Its all in the name, surely? 


SAILOR Less of a sailor, than an old drunken pirate with a taste for pretzels. 


CARLA Returned for a second stint aboard Capn Threepwood's vessel, and sure enough, regretted it. 


OTIS Seemingly traumatised by previous events involving Guybrush, Otis was reluctant to join his crew, but promises of cushy government jobs certainly helped in persuading the scrawny foreigner. Hes shaved the moustache, but the beards still in tact. 

MEATHOOK Took to wax painting, which seemed to cure his fear. Still does the tattoo trick too! 


HARBOR MISTRESS - Ran the shipyard on Mêlée Island with some force too. 


LAWYERS Represented the Marley-Threepwoods. Good for them old fellas. 


BRITTANY Worked at The Second Bank of Lucre on Lucre Island, but craved a move into show business. 


BANKTELLER Worked with Brittany at The Second Bank of Lucre.


NSPECTOR CANARD Had Guybrush up for bank robbery, until he gallantly proved his innocence.  


OZZIE MANDRILL An Australian businessman intent on wiping out the pirate population of the Caribbean and introducing all-manner of unsavoury, commercial enterprises. He worked with Charles L. Charles and was Guybrushs natural enemy. 


PEGNOSE PETE So called because of his distinct lack of a nose, Pegnose Pete was a notorious criminal who got Guybrush jailed for bank robbery on Lucre Island. Legend has it that a duck had bitten off his nose, leaving the poor man to don a screw-in prosthetic one instead (ick). 


HUGO Sold various perfumes to passers-by on Lucre. Cologne was particularly popular in those parts. 


FREDDIE Ran the House of Sticks on Lucre Island. Ozzie Mandrill was his most difficult customer. 


DEADEYE DAVE An acutely blind man with an extraordinary sense of smell, which helps, I guess. Dave ran a prosthetics house on Lucre Island and kept his house in order via an intricate filing system neat. 

 CHESS PLAYERS Mr. Santiago and Mr. Castaneda were competitive, but mundanely slow. 

 DUCK Its a rather unspectacular duck. This duck is rather unspectacular. Id say this duck was unspectacular. 


VOODOO LADY - Where would Guybrush be without the helpful hands of this woman? Well, probably nowhere. She certainly isn't to be messed with, given that she has voodoo magic at her fingertips and can conjure up a fully functional voodoo-doll from the remains of last nights Chinese take-away. 

 LUA BAR CHEF Was in charge of all the sushi style grub that was on the menu at the Lua Bar (hiss). 

 MURRAY Still determined to spread his evil ways, Murray could be found working outside Planet Threepwood as a bouncer! Basking in the sunshine of Jambalaya Island seemed to suit the crazy bonehead better than Plunder Island. 


GROGGERY INN BARTENDER Served drinks, primarily. 

TOURIST Travelled from place to place sightseeing, probably. 

STAN - Stan worked on Mêlée Island originally, selling used ships to unfortunate passers-by. Following the demise of his ship-selling trade, Stan set up a used-coffin business on Booty Island. This too came to a relatively abrupt end, when he was mysteriously bolted into one of his own showroom coffins. As ever though, the sharp-witted conman recovered, appearing again in Monkey Island 3 at the helm of a low budget, high profit-making life insurance business. In Monkey 4, Stan is running a timeshare business on Jambalaya Island. 


MARCO DE POLLO Undisputed, self-professed diving champion of the world, Marco de Pollo competed relatively unchallenged for the famous golden statue for divers, until Guybrush came along and wrecked it all, that is. 


DIVING JUDGES Marking criteria may well have included technique, timing and entry you never can tell. From left to right, we have Wise Judge, Hippie Judge, and Grouchy Judge. The latter was openly open to open bribes. Never one to let the opportunity of open bribery go Guybrush eventually won the trio over. 


ADMIRAL CASABA Threes most definitely a crowd for Mr. Casaba, if you get my meaning. 


MISS RIVERS Miss Rivers teaches on Knuttin Atoll, reforming pirates at the service of Ozzie Mandrill. 

 JUMBEAUX LAFEET In an effort to be more piratey, LaFeet kept a parrot perched on each shoulder.


JOJO JUNIOR Master of Monkey Kombat and offspring of an unfortunate father. 


HERMAN TOOTHROT - Set out aboard The Sea Monkey with his mate in search of Monkey Island and found it! Unfortunately, his mate was later killed when he accidentally hung himself putting up a swing (apparently). Herman appeared in Monkey Island 2 on Dinky Island, where hed taken to preaching unorthodox philosophy. As for Monkey 4, well, youre just going to have to find out on your own 


TIMMY Monkey Island wouldnt be the same without a cheeky little monkey somewhere along the way.