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 The Curse Of Monkey Island-Characters 


GUYBRUSH THREEPWOOD - The hero of the game. As per usual, Guybrush was bumbling, inept and naive, but blessed with the kind of extraordinary luck and cartoon physiology that allowed him to be shot out of a pirate cannon, spend hours underwater without running out of air, and undergo all manner of extreme pain without so much as a squeak of explanation. One of the great computer heroes of our time. 

 GOVERNOR ELAINE MARLEY - Elaine Marley was an ex-pirate herself who'd made good and become the fair and just ruler of Mêlée Island (Guybrush's home). Like any woman given just a smidgen of power she was, of course, an icy cold bitch. Eventually however, Guybrush won her heart (mainly by saving her from becoming LeChuck's wife) and the two lived happily ever after - until the sequel that is, when it was revealed that the pair had split and hadn't seen each other in ages. 

DEMON PIRATE LECHUCK - The evil Demon Pirate LeChuck was both a demon and, er, a pirate. Commanding a fearsome crew of the undead (I say fearsome - they were more like the underworld equivalent of Dad's Army), LeChuck had originally set out to conquer Mêlée Island and marry Governor Elaine Marley, before Guybrush stumbled in his way. For the sequel, LeChuck plotted his revenge and was only prevented by Guybrush overcoming the power of 'Big Whoop'. In the third game, LeChuck is again pursuing Elaine as a potential undead wife, and Guybrush as potential bait. 


BLOODNOSE' - He worked on LeChuck's ghost ship. 'Bloodnose' was a ruthless pirate, courageous, intimidating and fearless. Not really of course... IT'S WALLY!... And he surely needs to touch up his disguise!? 


THE VOODOO LADY - Where would Guybrush be without the helpful hands of this woman? Well, probably nowhere. She certainly isn't to be messed with, given that she has voodoo magic at her fingertips and can conjure up a fully functional v-doll from the remains of last night's Chinese take-away.

PIRATE BARBERS - Haggis McMutton, Edward Van Helgen and Cutthroat Bill. These men worked in the Barbery Coast cutting peoples hair for a living. They obviously didn't work hard enough at school and were probably forced to drop out at 16. They made up Guybrush's crew for Blood Island, but needed some persuading to do so. When they arrived on Blood however, the three prepared to return home after feeling home sick (slackers!).

SLAPPY CROMWELL - Ran a theatrical production on Plunder Island with his Hideous friend. 


HIDEOUS PIRATE - Part time thespian (suspension of belief necessary here methinks).   


CAPTAIN BLONDEBEARD - Ran a restaurant on Plunder Island. It wasn't the busiest 'place to eat' on Plunder, but curiously, you still needed a reservation card to get in. Captain Blondebeard had an obsession with the demon chicken El Pollo Diablo. He also had a nice shiny gold tooth (had being the operative word).


KENNY FALMOUTH - Sold lemonade (and later cannons) to people on Plunder Island.  

MR. FOSSEY - Mr. Fossey is a madman. He worked on the Sea Cucumber for Captain LeChimp and his monkey crew, who were, in fact, a chimp and a load of monkeys! Step out of line aboard their vessel and you were likely to be put through the old 'tars and feathers' routine (which Guybrush found out to his cost). 


LECHIMP - Captain LeChimp was at the helm of The Sea Cucumber for some time, before being overthrown by Guybrush and his amazing ventriloquism skills. Mr. Fossey was his all-too-keen shipmate. 


CABANA BOY - Ran the Brimstone Beach Club on Plunder Island, and very nice it was too. 

PALIDO DOMINGO - Palido spent much of his time at the Brimstone Beach Club (Plunder Island) trying to improve his suntan, though this effort was clearly in vain. He has a map of Blood Island tattooed on his back, which can easily be removed - just add cooking oil along with a large portion of scorching hot Caribbean sun, and allow to simmer for about five minutes. After that, simply peel the map away.


ROTTINGHAM - Hes suave, hes smooth, hes French, hes bald hes Rottingham. 


MURRAY - Murray, the demonic skull, had his mind set on scaring the living/undead s**t out of people/undead beings. He rarely succeeded, but assured us at the end of Monkey Island 3 that he "WILL RETURN!" 


GRISWOLD GOODSOUP - Ran a chain of successful hotels in various locales across the Caribbean. 


MME XIMA - Read tarot cards and told fortunes at the Goodsoup Family Hotel on Blood Island.

MORT - The undertaker in Monkey Island 3. He certainly evokes sympathy, being the subject of numerous faulty voodoo tricks, being generally petrified, and having to deal with dead people all day! 

STAN - Stan worked on Mêlée Island originally, selling used ships to unfortunate passers-by. Following the demise of his ship-selling trade, Stan set up a used-coffin business on Booty Island. This too came to a relatively abrupt end, when he was mysteriously bolted into one of his own showroom coffins. As ever though, the sharp-witted con-man recovered, appearing again in Monkey Island 3 at the helm of a low budget, high profit-making life insurance business. 


OLD BLIND PEW This poor blind dog rested in the Blood Island cemetery. He could bite, too. 


MINNIE & CHARLIE - Undead bride and groom reunited after a miraculous fold-up bed mishap. 

LEMONHEAD - His head very much resembles a lemon. Lemonhead appeared in Monkey Island 1 living as a cannibal, with cannibals on Monkey Island. He was unquestionably the stupid cannibal of the three. 


THE FLYING WELSHMAN - Gave boat trips from Blood Island to Skull Island and back. 

 EFETTE LAFOOT - Operated the lift mechanism on Skull Island (someones got to do it). 


KING ANDRE - Enormously wealthy gambler/con-man/wheeler-dealer based on Skull Island. 


 CRUFF - King Andres gambling partner on Skull, keen on various forms of poker. 

LECHUCK'S CREW - Happy times for the undead (?). 

 SODA JERK - This soda jerk sold sodas and snow cones at the Carnival of the Damned.  


DINGHY DOG - Theres a man inside! Give my money back! 


WHARF RAT - Theres a man inside! Give my money back!

CHICKEN - Beak, feathers, eggs, you know the sort. 


THREE-HEADED MONKEY - Just your regular three-headed monkey. 


HERMAN TOOTHROT - Set out aboard The Sea Monkey with his mate in search of Monkey Island and found it! Unfortunately, his mate was later killed when he accidentally hung himself putting up a swing. Herman appeared in Monkey Island 2 on Dinky Island, where hed taken to preaching unorthodox philosophy.