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 Lechuck's Revenge-Characters 


GUYBRUSH THREEPWOOD - The hero of the game. As per usual, Guybrush was bumbling, inept and naive, but blessed with the kind of extraordinary luck and cartoon physiology that allowed him to be shot out of a pirate cannon, spend hours underwater without running out of air, and undergo all manner of extreme pain without so much as a squeak of explanation. One of the great computer heroes of our time.


GOVERNOR ELAINE MARLEY - Elaine Marley was an ex-pirate herself who'd made good and become the fair and just ruler of Mêlée Island (Guybrush's home). Like any woman given just a smidgen of power she was, of course, an icy cold bitch. Eventually however, Guybrush won her heart (mainly by saving her from becoming LeChuck's wife) and the two lived happily ever after - until the sequel that is, when it was revealed that the pair had split and hadn't seen each other in ages.


ZOMBIE PIRATE LECHUCK - The evil Zombie Pirate LeChuck was both a zombie and, er, a pirate. Commanding a fearsome crew of the undead (I say fearsome - they were more like the underworld equivalent of Dad's Army), LeChuck had originally set out to conquer Mêlée Island and marry Governor Elaine Marley, before Guybrush stumbled in his way. For the sequel, LeChuck plotted his revenge and was only prevented by Guybrush overcoming the power of 'Big Whoop'.

LARGO LAGRANDE - Largo was once LeChuck's right-hand-man and possessed a similar nasty streak. He had control of Scabb Island for some time, until Guybrush, aided by the Voodoo Lady, drove him away.
CLASSIC LINE: LARGO: There are no police on Scabb Island!                                                                                                           GUYBRUSH: Then who eats all the donuts and roughs-up the transients?
WALLY B. FEED - There he was, just a humble cartographer earning an honest living on Scabb Island, and then one fateful day, Guybrush Threepwood came along. First of all he just wanted to ask a few questions, then he wanted to borrow some paper, after that he stole the poor man's monocle! One thing led to another and soon he was hanging above a pit of acid at the mercy of LeChuck. Then, in Monkey Island 3 we learnt that he was working for the evil ghost pirate - a slave, not even on his own ship, but someone else's! Monkey Island was tough on Wally.
JOJO - Jojo knocks out a pretty good tune on the piano. He worked in the Bloody Lip Bar for some time, before Guybrush stole him and used him as a pump on the Phatt Island waterfall. There were no animal-rights activists to save the poor primate in those days. Oh well, he had his fifteen minutes of fame. 


THE VOODOO LADY - Where would Guybrush be without the helpful hands of this woman? Well, probably nowhere. She certainly isn't to be messed with, given that she has voodoo magic at her fingertips and can conjure up a fully functional voodoo-doll from the remains of last nights Chinese take-away. 


RAPP SCALLION - Rapp served as cook on Captain Marley's ship. If you are what you eat, then old Rapp was a bad cook. He was briefly brought back to life in Monkey Island 2 before realising that it wasn't the twentieth-century, ready-made meals hadn't been invented yet, and that he might as well go back to heaven, rather than slave over a hot stove. Fair point Mr. Scallion. 


CAPTAIN DREAD - Captain Dread ran a ship-charter business off the coast of Scabb Island. He needed a monocle in one eye (like Wally) and had a very bad sense of direction - another ironic gesture from the people at LucasArts. 


VOODOO PRIEST - Worked for LeChuck and was responsible for the powerful Guybrush voodoo doll. 

 DEALER - Ran a roulette wheel game on Phatt Island. Brunos business often affected his profits.


RALPHIE - Broke the code and rinsed out the dealer regularly. Money was always his preferred prize. 


BRUNO - Operated a small business/pastime on Phatt Island, divulging secret information and codes.  


FISHERMAN - Fished the waters of Phatt Island whilst smoking a pipe and dangling his feet in the water. Despite enormous self-confidence, he would lose a fishing bet to Guybrush, who inevitably bent the rules. 


GOVERNOR PHATT - Governor Phatt ruled over Phatt Island. He spent much of his time sleeping and eating from large tubes containing foodstuffs. He had an alliance with LeChuck and walked all over anyone who got in his way (not literally of course). All in all this man was a 'phatt' pig! 


RUM ROGERS JUNIOR - As the name and the huge beer-gut suggest, old Rum Rogers Junior enjoyed the odd alcoholic beverage. His fate was finally sealed when he challenged Guybrush to a drinking contest. A few quick mug-swaps later, the bloated fool was lying poisoned on his own floor. 

SKELETAL PIRATE - Was found in Rum Rogers Juniors basement area, holding a map piece. Hooray! 


ANTIQUES DEALER - Sold antiques, including peg legs, rock 'n' roll memorabilia (?) and map pieces. 


AUGUSTUS DEWAAT - Old Augustus kept an eye on the Booty Island docks, despite being partially sighted and hard of hearing (a resounding victory for equal-rights campaigners methinks). Loud ship-horn sounds tended to confuse the man. 


KATE CAPSIZE - She was a shrewd businesswoman and pirate (apparently). We first saw Kate Capsize on Booty Island trying to flog trips in a glass-bottomed boat. At around 6000 pieces of eight, they certainly didnt come cheap. 

SPITMASTER - Ran the not very popular Spitting Contest on Booty Island  whereby contestants had to gob as far as they could in order to obtain prizes and the honourable title of Spitting Contest Champion. 

 SPITTY CROWD - These people tended to gather 'round the Spitting Contest.


MARDI GRAS GUARD - One of Governor Elaine Marley's many employees, his job was to guard the path leading to the famous Mardi Gras Parties. His authentic LeChuck disguise proved a definite aid in keeping the unwanted away. 


GROUNDSMAN - Looked after the mansion garden by raking leaves, cutting grass, that sort of thing. 


GUYBRUSH - A dog on Booty Island with a nose for valuable map pieces. 


CHEF - Chef at the Booty Island mansion. Luckily for Guybrush, large fish were frequently on the menu. 


THE THREEPWOODS (flesh version) - Guybrushs parents, alive and relatively well. 


THE THREEPWOODS (bone version) - Guybrush's parents - dead, but nonetheless upbeat. 


HERMAN TOOTHROT - Set out aboard The Sea Monkey with his mate in search of Monkey Island and found it! Unfortunately, his mate was later killed when he accidentally hung himself putting up a swing. Herman appeared in Monkey Island 2 on Dinky Island, where hed taken to preaching unorthodox philosophy.

THE MONKEYS - They're monkeys. They like to dance.