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is a compilation of recipes written by Michael H. Stines
which has been published as a bound volume.
For our Internet visitors, we are pleased to share some of our favorite recipes.

If you wish the entire 225+ page cookbook,
please E-mail for details.


Philosophy Pork
Appetizers Ribs, Racks & Slabs
Barbecue Sauces Rubs, Spices & Condiments
Beef Salsas
Chili Seafood
Miscellaneous Soups
Pizza Tips, Tricks & Techniques
Poultry Vegetables

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You are welcomed to reproduce these recipes for your own use only.

Re-publication, re-distribution or any other use without the express consent of
Southside Enterprises is strictly prohibited.

All recipes are copyrighted by Southside Enterprises, 1997-2000. All rights reserved.

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