When did it change hands and become the Axle?
I have located Bill Kohn, who was the Manager of the Axle/Hub
when it closed up in 1986.
This page belongs to Bill and I hope to have the story soon..
When did the Axle close?
Are any of those former employees still skating?
Have there ever been any Hub reunions of employees or skaters?
What became of that Wurlitzer Pipe Organ?
Is it still in use?? Where?? When??
I seem to recall that the 3 manual keyboard used by Leon Berry
had been moved to the Hub from a theater in Chicago. Can anyone
tell me more about that? Oh yeah, shame on me.. I helped in the
removal of the original 2 manual keyboard at the Hub when we
installed the 3 manual keyboard. I guess at that time I was too
young to appreciate the history of those wonderful Wurlitzers..
If I can gather information about the Hub, I will share it here
so please contribute your stories and/or photos.
I have a scanner, so please share a piece of Hub History if possible.
Drop me a line at..
or look for me on Yahoo Messenger (type or voice)
I am Frank Randall, St George Utah